Chapter 21

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"Sasha!" Rael yelled, she knelt down and placed her hand her shoulder. She didn't know what to do. She was starting to panic, her breathing got heavy and her expression was torn to oblivion- torn between anger and terror.

"You fucking piece of shit, what have you done?!" She yelled at her father, her voice was breaking and she couldn't even move.

"Something I needed to, also-" He shot Rael in the shoulder and in the knee.

She screamed in pain and let go of Sasha. Sasha laid on the ground and Rael was holding her shoulder. Blood spilled from her wounds and she could taste a metallic like fluid in her mouth.

"This could have been easier you know." He grinned, he stepped closer to Rael and kicked her right in the stomach. Causing her to fall back.

"But you couldn't give up, you just had to fight, and look at you now. You're bitch for an aunt is dying, you're two girlfriends are being held captive by Walt And you're bleeding out."

"In the end, you get to come home with me, now you'll be a good little bitch. Maybe I can have Walt use Yui next, but not her mouth."

Rael couldn't move, she gritted her teeth and spat on him. "Don't you lay a finger on any of them." She got shot again this time right in the chest.

"Oh I will," He grinned and snapped his fingers. Out came Walt Yui and Vixen both tied up and crying.

"Walt I want you to use her, right in front of her, after that you'll kill both of them."

Walt tilted his head to the side. "Which one?"

"The thick one."

"Which one?"

"The less attractive one."

"Hard to tell father, they both are, but I'm guessing you aren't talking the Goth."

He grapped Yui by the shirt and throw her to the ground. He smirked and stood over her.

"Don't you lay one finger on her!" Vixen and Rael shouted at the same time. Rael tried to stand, but she couldn't. They were all down.

"Keep quiet." Mr. bugrov yelled. "You're going to watch and see what it's like. When a man fuck the love of your life. Enjoy." He laughed menacingly and gripped Rael by her hair and making her watch what was about to unfold.

Yui kicked her legs, trying to fight him off but to no avail. Walt lowered his pants, ready to take out his 2 inch cock when suddenly-

A shot was fired, hitting him and his eye fell out. His lifeless body dropped to the ground.

"What the fuck?!" Rael's father was stunned, unable to fathom what just happened.

Willow stepped out of the darkness, rifle in hand. "Hope I'm not late to anything, you're men are weak, it's honestly pathetic."

"You-" he picked up his gun ready to shoot her when he got shot in the arm by someone else.

Jessica's father. "Son of a bitch." Jessica's father was actually one man the Mr. Bugrov afraid of.

The gun fell from his hands and he dropped to his knees. "Morales, please listen to me I didn't mean to hurt your child, it was a joke really i-"

"Shut it," Morales voice was loud and filled with anger. "I'm not going to kill you, not yet at least."

He walked over to him and knocked him in the head with the gun, now unconscious. He tied him up and threw him other his shoulder.

"Call an ambulance and quick." Rael  and Sasha barley had a pulse.

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