Chapter 23

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I placed Jessica on top of me. She was completely naked. We both were, she looked amazing on top of me.

Yui and Vixen were also here. For support and to have a bit of fun too. I ran my fingers along her sides, and stopped at her hips.

"Mommy, you'll be gentle right?" Jessica asked shyly. She held my shoulders and leaned down.

"I will I promise." I leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips.

"You were never gentle with me." Yui said. She sat beside Jessica, holding her hand tightly.

"I was, I just lost control."

"No didn't."

I rolled my eyes and lift Jessica slightly.

"Are you ready?"

She took a breath and nodded her head. "Words princess."

"Yes mommy."

I held her tightly and slowly pushed her down right onto my cock. She's so tight holy shit. I had a condom on of course.

She gasped and squeezed Yui's fingers. Vixen got closer and sat right by my head.

"Mommy, you're so b-big." She stuttered. She let go Yui's hand and gripped my shoulders.

"Mommy will be gentle don't worry."

I held her hips as I grinded into her. I wasn't fully inside her, but I know she'll be able to take me full one day.

She digged her nails into my shoulders and whimpered loudly. I looked above me to see, Yui and Vixen making out. Vixen was taking control. As she should.

(I changed it, Yui calls Vixen master now)

I met Jessica's eyes as she grinded along with me. "Mommy I'm ready."

She leaned down and kissed me. I kissed back as I pushed my tongue into her mouth. Our tongues intertwined and I thrusted into her tight heat.

She moaned into the kiss as I thrusted slowly into her. We pulled away from the kiss, our saliva connecting.

I rolled over so that I was on top of her. Her fingers digged into my back, most likely leaving a mark. My hands wer at her sides as my thrusts became rougher and faster, I angled myself to directly hit her G-spot.

She moaned loudly and her fingers digged deeper, definitely drawing blood. "Mommy I'm gonna cum!"

"Hold it for mommy." I pulled out slightly before slamming back in. She gasped for breath with each thrust.

I grabbed her knees as she gripped the sheet beneath her. I groaned as she tighten around me, her climax can no longer hold.

"Cum for me, princess."

She gripped the sheet tighter as she came all over my cock. She let out a loud long moan as she shakes slightly from her orgasm.

I noticed the bits of blood on the sheet. It really was her first time.

I came Inside the condom and pulled out of her. I took it off and threw it away in the bin.

I looked over my shoulder to see Yui being fucked from behind by Vixen.

That's hot.

I walked over to Jessica, she was panting heavily. I picked her up bridal style. "Are you okay princess?"

She looked at me and nodded. "Yes mommy, that felt amazing. Though I did bleed. Is that normal?"

"Yes it is baby, let's get you cleaned. And Vixen don't tire out Yui, you know how she can get."

"Can't make any promises!" Vixen chuckled.

I opened the bathroom door and placed Jessica on the counter top. I filled the bath tub with water and bubbles. I picked her up and placed her into the tub. I got in with her, and ran my hand through her hair.

She smelt amazing. "I love you princess."

"I love you too mommy."



"Fuck, harder master!" I moaned as Vixen took me from behind.

She gripped my hip with one hand and spanked me with the other causing me to scream out.

"That's a good bitch." She slammed the strap on into me as she kept fucking me rougher. I came again and again and again.

"Fuck master slow down." I was getting tired.

"Shut it." She spanked me again. She grabbed my neck and pulled my head to look at her.  "Open your mouth."

I opened my mouth wide and she shoved her fingers in my mouth. I sucked on her fingers as she kept going.

"Look at you so submissive, I should have an a cock like Rael, it's a shame the author didn't do that. I would have loved to fill you up."

"You'd be too powerful with a cock." I said.

"Shut up." She spanked her again before gripping my throat again. "Now continue sucking my fingers."

My moans were muffled as she continued to fuck me. She pounded my g-spot I felt like I was about to collapsed.  I came again all over her strap on and she pulled out.

I collapsed onto the bed. Breathing heavily.

"I know it's impossible but I think I'm pregnant."

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