Chapter 2

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After a while I finally finished packing. I sit on my bed and brushed my hair out my face. I check the time. 10:30. I wonder where my roommate went.

I got off the bed and looked around. That's when I noticed something on the bed. It was a small bottle of something. My curiosity got to me so I picked it up.

It was lube.

I put it down immediately. I've read enough Wattpad books by BoundlessReverie to know what that is.

Speaking of her, I should probably read the lastest chapter of her book: Finding Mr. Knight.

I love that book so much! I hope that their okay. Anthony is too hot to die-

Yes I simp for a gay man. Cry about it!

Anyways. Why would she have this? Did they have a guy over? No I would have seen him walk out along with Yui.

My minds running laps right now.

That's when I felt my stomach rumbling. Yep I need to get something to eat. I shoved my phone in my pocket and went straight to the cafeteria. Hopefully it's open.


I got myself an egg sandwich with a box of orange juice. I sat at one of the tables and start eating. It tasted good. My mom said that the food  here tasted horrible when she was here. Well... times change. (Hope you get that reference.)

I adjusted my glasses and brushed my hair out of my face,continuing to eat.

I took a sip of my orange juice and almost choked. It tasted good. But that's not why I choked.

I spotted Rael. She had a girl sitting on her lap and it did not look like Yui.

Was she cheating on her? No I mustn't think that. I could be her sister. Sisters sit in each others laps.

..... Right?

Maybe I did mistake- and they just kissed.

Nope not siblings.

How could she? She has a girlfriend! Why would she cheat on her? Was Yui not good enough for her? Does she not love her? If she wasn't, break up first don't cheat!

I know I just got here and we just meet, but I can't stand cheaters and no one deserves to get cheated on

I stood up and walked over to them. They looked so lovey dovey with each other.

I slammed my hand down on the table. "Rael what do you think you're doing?"

She looked up at me. "Cutie? What are you talking about?" Oh don't you act dumb you cheating prick!

"Who is she? She's not Yui. How dare you cheat on Yui. Yui looks like such a sweet girl and you cheat on her?!" I yell.

Rael and the girl started laughing.

This isn't funny you bastards!

"What's so funny huh?" I raise my eyebrow

"You that's what's funny. I'm not cheating on Yui. I have two girlfriends." She said casually.

Wait what?

"I'm Vixen. Rael's other girlfriend. Me and Yui are also dating. We're in poly lesbian relationship."

"Oh.. so you weren't cheating then." Now I just feel stupid. I give an embarrassed look.

I feel like an idiot.

Rael shrugged. "Of course not. I love these two with everything in my heart. We want a forth girlfriend but that's up to Yui."

"Another? Can't satisfy with two?" I ask. Maybe I'm asking too many questions.

"No. One more and that's all." She replied.

"Oh okay. Sorry for disturbing you two." I walk away. I feel stupid now. I assumed she was cheating, when in reality she wasn't. Maybe I shouldn't jump to conclusions so quickly.

I sit down at my table. I hear my phone buss. I got a message from Chad. I missed him so much, I have to find him on campus.

"Hey Jess I'm going over to Jack's house for today. I'll see you when tomorrow k?"

"Okay.  Love you ❤️."


I put phone in my pocket and continue eating.

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