Chapter 6

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Rael ↑


I ran down the hallway, trying to find the girls. This is a life or death situation and I need serious help.

"There you girls are!" I finally found them. Of course they're being lovey dovey with each other, quit reminding me that Chad hasn't taken me out in three months.

I stopped, trying to catch my breath. Yui came up and patted my back. "Are you okay sweetie?" She asked. No I'm not!

"Breath in, out come on breath and relax." She counted to three with each breath we took. I eventually calmed down and she smiled at me.

She sat me down between Vixen and Rael and stood Infront of me with her hands on her hips. "Now explain what's going on. What made you run all the way here breathless like a killer clown was chasing you?"

"I hate clowns." I shivered.

"Don't we all?"

"Not me." Rael chipped in.

"We know Rael." We all Said together.

I took a breath and said. "Well... I'm in a bit of trouble." I confessed, caressing Vixen's hair. Yui's eyes widen and she laughed.

"You In trouble? Oh that's fucking hilarious." She laughed and almost fell over. Why is that so strange and funny?

"She's right y'know." Rael added. "A nerd like you getting in trouble?"

I feel offended.

"I'm not a nerd! Plus I can give trouble too!" That just made Yui laugh even more.

"Alright, alright. Tells us this so called 'trouble' you're in. My sides fucking hurt!"

"Don't swear! Swearing is bad!" I yelled at her with a very serious expression. She looked at me and smiled.

"I won't do it again. Sorry."

"You better!"

Rael throw her hands up. "Okay okay, enough about swearing and killer clowns. The trouble you're in?"

"Oh right that!" I pulled a paper out of my pocket and showed it to them. Rael took it and read it out loud.

"I'm watching you Jessica."

"Is that it?" Vixen questioned.

"Is this really the trouble? This is stupid."

I looked at them with a sad expression. "Some is watching me! Why do all seem so chill?!" I started to panic. My chest hurts.

"Jess calm down!" Yui held my hand and patted my back but that didn't stop the tears from my eyes.

"This could all be some stupid prank by some idiot."

"There's bloodstains on the back!"

She looked at it and crumbled the paper and threw it away. "Be right back, keep her calm in the meantime."

Rael walked off leaving us. "What? Where are you going?!" Vixen Yelled after her and I just cried more.


I walked off without looking back. Jess is safe with the girls not if I stay. This has happened once before and I'm not about to let it happen again.

That little son of a whore.

I kicked the auditorium door down and stormed inside. This has happened one too many times.

There was a bunch people inside including some teachers. They yelled about the door but I ignored them and walked past them.

I found the boy I need. I grabbed him by the collar and looked him in the eyes. "Aren't you tried Walt?"

He looked at me and that disgusting smiled came back on his face. "No I'm not. I've warned you once and you still avoid it. Dad wants you back home, and if getting rid of everyone you've ever loved means you'll come back then I'll do it."

"Don't you bring my lovers into this or my best friend. I'm never going back." I formed my hand into a fist.

He looked at it and gave me that nasty smirk. "You don't have the balls-"

He couldn't finish as my fist landed right into his face. I let him go and he fell to the floor groaning in pain.

"What the fuck!?" He tried to get up, but I pushed him back down with my leg.

Some teacher start running this direction and a while crowd was around us.

Fuck the teachers. (Not literally)


"Where is she? Why isn't she back yet?" I pasted around the room starting to get worried.

We tried to calm Jess to the best of our abilities. That's when it happen.

She slipped into little space. Turns out she's a little.

I get called mommy double now- not the time.

She eventually fell asleep after running around and eating, but that was 15 minutes ago. I'm starting to get worried for Rael.

Could it be him? Is he really trying again? I can't lose her. Not again.

It took her years to get back where she is. But why go after Jessica? She's only been here for a week. We barley know her and now he's going to get her to get to Rael?

"Do you think it's?" Vixen didn't finish her sentence. I nodded my head.

"Why? We've been fine all this time and now.... Now he's coming back." Vixen eyes started to fill with tears.

"I don't know why, all I know is that we aren't safe anymore."

That's when we heard a loud commotion. "What's going on?"

"Rael...." Vixen picked up Jess in her arms. "Should we go?"

"Of course we should!"


"Thank you two girls. If you hadn't gotten here on time he probably would have died from blood loss." Professor Wilmore thanked us.

He fucking should have.

"You're welcome professor." I replied. "It would be so bad if he did."

He should of died.

"The boy has a broken nose, his left eye is bleeding the other is black, he has a swollen face structure and an almost broken spine."

It should have been broken. He doesn't deserve to see the light of day again.

We were safe for years and now? Now we have awoken it. We should have known, I should have known. It could have ended from the very beginning but it didn't.

It's all my fault.

Ooooooohhhhh we're getting into the good stuff.

Did you expect this to just be all cupcakes and rainbows?

Well you were wrong. We're going into a deep dive of Rael's past.

Where it all started.

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