Chapter 17

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I woke up inside a dark room. I didn't see anyone and I didn't hear anything either. I tried moving my hand but it was no use.

I was chained to a chair and duct tape was on my mouth. I was horrified.

Then a heard a door open and can I assume someone walked in and closed the door.

Then the lights turned on and it hurt my eyes. I looked up to see someone I didn't expect.

Mrs. Greenwood. My art teacher. She was dressed in all black and she had a gun in her hand.

I felt My heart race and my I couldn't believe my eyes. I was furious, but sad at the same time.

"Mrs. Greenwood?" I blurred out, my voice was shaking.

"It's just Greenwood I'm not actually married." clarification.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, my eyes were watery and my voice was breaking.

She laughed at me. It was sickening.

"You're mother stole what should have been mine!" She shouted at me. She got closer.

"I was in love with your father for years while in highschool and then you're bitch of a mother took him from me. He was supposed to be mine!"

I could she a vein popping up on her forehead. Her face was red with anger and she looked like she wanted to hit me.

"What does that have to do with me?" I questioned. "I did nothing I shouldn't be involved with anything."

"oh but you are. It's also your fault."

"My fault?"

"For being born." She yelled and hit be with the gun on my forehead. That hurt so much.

"I planned on murdering you're mother when she was unguarded. But then she got pregnant with you and your father had his little gang members watch over her like a hawk. Oh your older brother, I found out she was pregnant with him but I couldn't do anything about it. I had enough when you were born."

"So, when Mr. Bugrov met me and offered me this. I couldn't refuse."

Bugrov? That's Rael's last name. Ms. Greenwood is working with him? I felt my heart break. The woman I called a second mother was planning to kill me, all for some petty love.

"How could you?! I trusted you! I thought of you as a mother. A second one at that."

She rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Lets not be ridiculous. You think I gave two shits about you? I didn't care about you, all I wanted was to get close to you. And you know the reason why."

"It's a shame really. You were such a good student. Unfortunately I can't kill you yet, I have to wait. But rest assured, you won't make it out of here alive. But I'll enjoy doing it."

My heart was beating fast and I couldn't do anything. Was I really gonna die? Over something I had nothing to do with? I wanted to tell at her and attack her. But I can't attack so yelling works.

"You're sick! Killing someone to try to get someone that doesn't even want you. Even if my dad wasn't married to my mother, he would be out of his mind if he dated a woman like you. You're a crazy bitch and fucking narcissist. You disgust me."

That made her angry. She hit me across the face with a lot of force. "How dare you?!" She was all up in my face. "You don't talk to me like that!"

I took the opportunity to spit in her face.

I was meet with her fist in my face. And my nose started to bleed.

"Oh you little shit, I'll be glad when I get rid of you."

Suddenly the door opened and someone stepped in.

"Mr. Bugrov." Said crazy bitch.

So this is Rael's father. And I thought my dad was ugly. Compared to him my dad would look like a DILF.

"So this is Rael's third girlfriend, quite hideous." His was rough and full of power.

"Could say the same about you." I counted.

"Feisty I see. You'll reject ever opening that mouth of yours to me. Walt!"

A boy came up to him. He had dirty blonde hair and his eyes were bloodshot.

"Yes father?"

"Put her mouth to good use. Maybe she'll learn to keep it shut."

He left the room with along with the crazy bitch. I was alone with this boy that grabbed my chin and pulled my face to his.

"I hope you like the taste of cock. You'll love sucking it." He smirked at me and then hit me in the head.

My Three Dominant Girlfriends (Completed) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now