Chapter 12

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My eyes widen when I opened the door. There Jessica was, sitting on her bed rubbing herself. I closed the door and slowly walked to her.

She closed her laptop down and tried to cover herself immediately. "R-rael I didn't think you'd be back so early um- it's not what you t-think." She stuttered so much, she's so embarrassed it's cute.

I took her hand and pushed her glasses up with it. I then took the blanket off her and put her hand back to her clean shaved pussy. "Something tells me you haven't done this before." I said in a low seductive voice. "Am I right Jessica?"

She looked up at me with those innocent eyes, knowing she's far from it. She nodded her head and could see the blush spread across her face.

"Please this is embarrassing you weren't supposed to see this!"

I sat beside her and pulled her closer to me. I whispered in her ear, "Don't be embarrassed I'll help you out, now move move your hands away from your princess parts and let me handle this for you." I gently bit her ear and she whimpered.

She did as she was told. She moved her hands and spread her legs a bit. Her breath was Shakey and her face was flushed. I moved away from her ear and placed my hands at her entrance. "Are you ready baby?"

She looked at me and nodded but I could tell she was hesitant. "Will it hurt?" She asked me. So fucking adorable, it just makes me wanna break her. It will fun when I do. Make her all mine.

"It won't don't worry. If it does it'll be pleasurable pain." I then used one finger and slipped inside her slick wetness. Which I got a soft whimper in return.

She moved closer to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. She looked at me and I took the opportunity to start moving my finger, thrusting in and out of her. She moaned softly and nuzzled her head into my neck.

"R-rael please, it feels good." She moan quietly in my ear and gripped my arm tightly. I captured her lips into a soft kiss while still moving my finger in and out, picking up speed.

She leaned in closer and opened her mouth a bit and I pushed my tongue it. I used my free hand and held her neck gentle as I swirled my tongue with hers. She moaned in my mouth and I pulled away shortly after, our saliva connecting.

I smirked at her and added another finger, causing her to gasp. She held my hand tighter and I pushed her back, letting her lay down with her legs spread.

"Rael I'm gonna-"

"Cum for me princess." I picked up speed and curled my fingers toward her G-spot. I hit it perfectly with each thrust. She arched her back in response to it.

"I'm cumming!" With that she came all over my fingers and the sheet below her. She shuddered from the release and I pulled my fingers out, tasting her on my fingers. I licked of her release and looked at her dripping pussy. Look at all that cream following out. Can't wait for it to be mine.

She sit up straight and looked at me. "You were just helping a friend right?" She questioned and smiled. "I sorry for troubling you-"

I kissed one more time, cutting her off. I pulled away and smiled at her. "Do you think that I'm just gonna make you cum and then we pretend like it never happened? Jessica I want you infact the others do too. But wasn't what I was gonna tell you yet."

She pulled me by my collar and brought my eyes to her level. "You, like me? Yui and Vixen too?" I nodded my head and her face lit up. She jumped on to me and we fell on the ground.

"I like you girls too! I didn't know how was I gonna tell though."

I smirked, "Well you can tell the others after this okay. But I have to talk to you about something first okay? I just want to tell you this and then you'll decided if you still wanna be our girlfriend." My tone shifted to a more serious one and she realized that.

"Also baby you're getting me hard could you get up so we can have this talk before I just take you."

She blushed and got up immediately. Putting her panties back on and pulling her skirt back.

She sat on the bed and I sat beside her. I took a deep breath and turned to face her.

"Jess, my dad is trying to take me and the girls out, well take the girls out and take me away. Years ago my father killed my mother and then he took me and made me his accomplish. He would make me kill people and if I did anything as much as a small slip up he'd hit me. I took more lives than I can count. Eventually I was saved for him by my aunt who you know as Ms. Wilmore. And that was how I met the girls and how I discovered the whole BDSM thing. But he ended up coming back for me and I had to get rescued again. Thankfully we didn't get injured in the fight, but I made sure that Yui and Vixen didn't murder anyone. It was just me and the help of my cousin, Willow, the Mexican Mafia leader that I escaped again."

"He's coming back now and we know of his plans, they said he won't come after you back I don't trust that. I understand if you don't want to deal with me and you won't be the girlfriend of a murderer like me. I just hope you'll understand.

I looked at her and she looked at me. Wait she's crying-

She hugged me tightly pressing my head against her chest.


"I love you either way. It's not your fault that you took so many lives, you didn't want to." She said in Shakey tone. "I'll be here with you no matter what. If there's anyway I can help with this situation I will. But even if they come for me or not I'll be ready."

"What do you mean?" I arched my eyebrow and questioned.

"My family is also in the mafia."

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