Chapter 7

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I put a bit of thought and so I decided to not make Rael's past yet. Because I love you all ❤️😘 Plus it's too early.

Thank you to Oreooooooooo27 for the idea.


I need a model. Not an actual model, just someone who can help me. There's an art competition and I just entered.

First place gets 200k and a laptop. Second gets a new car and third gets an ipad.

I can't drive, I already have an ipad. I need a new laptop though and the money could help me a lot. So first place I'm coming for you.

I'm supposed to draw a woman in a 'lady like position.' I hate it when people, more specifically older women, tell girls to act like a woman.

"Sit like a lady! Dress like a lady!"

It's not your life nor do you have any right to tell someone how they should act.

Don't get me wrong. Older women are hot. But some are....the b-word.

Either way, I need a model.

Wait a minute. Did I just say that? But I'm not a lesbian. I could be bi.

Okay I'm bi. No I can't jump to conclusions plus I have a boyfriend.

That's not talking to me.

Just then my phone buzzed. It was a message from Chad.

Chad: "Please meet me outside I have something I need to tell you."

Jess: I'm coming.

I shoved my phone in my pocket and went outside. I haven't talked to him in a while. I wonder what this is about.

As I reached outside I saw him, he was leaning against the wall his head down. He looked up and noticed me he gave me a small smile.

"Hey there Jess. Uh this will be awkward." He said nervously as he scratched his head.

I tilted my head. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Jess... I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"I-" he took a deep breath and he couldn't even look me in my eyes.

"Jess, I'm gay."

"You're- you're gay?"

He looked at me and he nodded his head. "I found out a while ago and that's why I was distant. I lost feelings Jessica. I'm sorry."

I could feel the tears coming up but I pushed them back. "I-I understand." I said in a Shakey tone, my voice was breaking.

"I'm sorry, I really am. I loved you, a lot and i-"

"it's okay Chad, I understand. You lost feelings and y-you found out that you're attracted to men."

I can't help but feel hurt, but at the same time I'm not.

"So the person that called you babe on the phone-"

"It's not like that Jessica." He confirmed. "The girl was bothering me and I was trying to fight her off. I was at a club with a friend of mine. I just want you to know that I didn't cheat, but I have feelings for a another guy at the moment."

"I see. Well I'm happy for you and I wish you all the best. I'm not mad or anything." I tried to smile but I couldn't.

He held out his hand. "Friends?"

I took his hand. "Friends."

He then walked away. I watched as he walked away with his head down. Atleast he didn't cheat and had me find out a different way.

I turned around walled the opposite direction. The tears ran into my mouth and I almost choked.

At least he went about it this way. It makes things better.

I hope he'll happy.

I wasn't looking where i was going and bumped into Vixen. "Woah you okay girl? You're crying what's wrong?"

I looked up at her and hugged her tightly. I sobbed quietly in her chest. "I'll tell you later with the others."

This is making me tear up for some reason.

Anyone want a gay sex scene???

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