Chapter 4

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Smut incoming 😏💦

Jessica: "Chad who is that?"

Chad: "I- uh. Gotta go, talk to you later Jess."

Jessica: "Hey wait-" and then he hung up.

I looked at my phone for two minutes before putting it down. I looked up at Yui and the others. They all had the same expression on their faces.

"Darling, who was that?" Yui asked. "It sounded like a girl and, she called him babe. Is he-"

"It could be his friend." I said cutting her off.

"How are you so sure?" Rael stood up and leaned over me. "That sounded a bit suspicious."

I only just realized how tall she is. I looked down, I can't just assume that. I mean, his friends always does that, run jokes and moan into his phone and pretend their girls. I have faith in him.

"He's not cheating, I know that he wouldn't ever cheat on me."

Rael moved away, which made me let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. Rael being that close to me made me blush. But I'm not a lesbian.

"If you don't think he's cheating, fine. Maybe it was just his friend. Believe whatever you want." Vixen added in.

"Let's just keep playing."


We played for a while and I finally decided to head back to my dorm after the game.

I told the others goodbye. I thought Rael was going to come along with me but she insisted that I go and she'll be back soon.

So I left them alone. I wonder what there gonna do.

I went back to my dorm and sat down on my. I took out my sketch book and began drawing some sketches.


"I think he's cheating on her." Yui said after we made sure Jessica left. She looked worried for Jessica. I am too. Friends don't just do that.

"I think so too." Vixen stated. "Plus you can't trust a guy called Chad."

I stood up and walk over to Yui. "Enough about those two. Yui, stand up and turn around."

"Yes master." She stood up and turned around.

I stood behind her and pressed my back against hers. "Yesterday I told you not to touch yourself but, a little birdie told me that you did anyway. Is that true, baby?"

My breath was hot against her neck.

"Y-yes master, it's true. I touched myself when you told me not to."

I looked her and my smirk became a sadistic one. I lean in closer and whispered in her ear.

"Do you know what happens to bad girls who disobey?

"They get punished." She answered

I reached both my hands under her shirt. she isn't even wearing a bra. I tugged on her nipples and twirled them with my fingers.

She whimpered loudly and I kept tugging them. I looked over at Vixen, she was blushing and seemed as if she wanted to be touched as well.

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