You accidentally hug one of the boys...

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Ya'll... this is my first time writing one of these. I'll accept criticism just don't be brutal about it, please.
Requests are open, send me a message privately or leave in comments.
Anyways, thank you and enjoy!!!


"ASTER!" I yelled out before jumping onto his back and hugging him by the neck. My legs went around his waist and I held on tightly smiling. "Why did you leave me alone on the train? I looked everywhere just for you to be here." Hitting him on the arm I smiled and squeezed him tighter.

"I believe you have the wrong person, love." Wrong voice.

Looking over his shoulder I noticed the difference in face. This "Aster" had scars throughout his face, a pointed nose and his hair was slightly over his eyes. This "Aster" was in fact, Mattheo Riddle. I let go instantly and dropped to the ground, taking two steps back.

"I'm so sorry, I thought you were my friend and you're not. Obviously. I'm sorry." I continued to ramble and fidgeted with my hands attempting to dissuade my embarrassment.

"It's alright, love. It was a rather nice greeting, especially from someone so beautiful. I wouldn't mind if you did it again." Feeling myself burn up I smiled awkwardly and nodded my head. What do I say now?


I felt my feet leave the ground and arms go around my waist holding me tightly. Before I knew it I started laughing and the spinning stopped. It wasn't Aster, but it was Analeah, his twin sister.

"Aster got off the train and is getting our luggage, let's go Y/N/N." As she tugged at my hand pulling me away I looked at Mattheo to see him smirking at me. Feeling myself flush I smiled and turned back towards Analeah.

(264 words)

(this one isn't really an accident)

"Truth or dare, Y/N/N?"

Looking at Erlik I sighed and smiled. "Dare." I regretted it instantaneously, his face said a lot but not enough. The mischievous eyes and smile made my smile falter and I felt a little too much regret.

"I dare you to jump on Enzo's back and hold him tightly. Everytime you see him."

"Well, it's not that bad," said another one of my friends. Several others inputted their thoughts before I interrupted.

"When do I have to do this?"

"Tomorrow." Sighing, I let myself melt into the ground. After playing a few more rounds in the common room we all decided to head to our dorms since we had class the next day.


It was the seventh time I'd seen Enzo and each time I jumped on his back. Now it was the eighth time after dinner and he was with his friends. Great.

Looking at Erlik he merely smirked and nodded over towards him. Passing my schoolbag over to Erlik I sighed before running over and jumping on Enzo's back. He had grown accustomed to the random jumping because he instantly held onto my legs and slightly adjusted me before walking again. His friends all stared while I hid my face in his shoulder.

"Who is she?" - Pansy
"I didn't know you had a girlfriend." - Mattheo
"She's a Ravenclaw." - Blaise
"What's her name?" - Draco

Their voices were very recognizable and I was a bit intimidated. "Can you put me down now?" I whispered to him. I felt him chuckle a bit before feeling him bend down and let his hands slip off my thighs. "Thank you, Enzo." I said keeping my head down and running off past Erlik and up the stairs towards the Ravenclaw common room.

(294 words)

Theodore Nott:

There was a party happening in the Slytherin common room, and of course, I went. The music was booming, the heat was intense, the amount of people was atrocious, the smell of sweat and alcohol wasn't very appealing. But hey, it was enjoyable to some extent. 

"I don't wanna be here."

"Oh shut it Y/N/N, drink this. It'll make you less uptight." Rolling my eyes I sipped it slowly and smiled at Angelina. "Straight vodka, nothing else. I have no idea why you like it, but have fun with it." We stayed together another while, she drank more fire whisky and I more vodka. By our fourth glass we were a bit tipsy and surrounded by some other friends on the dancing area.

Downing the rest of the drink I went back to the table to take out more before returning to the dance floor. There I was met with a slightly different crowd and spotted my friend William. Running up to him I wrapped my arms around his torso and smiled against him. However, the slight struggle from his part made me let go.

"What the fuck? Oh, you're not William." I said looking up at Theodore. He looked slightly annoyed but smirked at my embarrassed face. 

"Oh, don't be sad now. I promise I'm better than William."

"Then drink this." I said passing him the cup slightly swaying from one side to the other. He looked into the cup and raised an eyebrow.

"Water? What, are you too drunk?"

"Maybe, just try it if you're better than William." He quickly took the cup and attempted to down the drink however, he started coughing.

"What the hell is this?" Taking the cup back from him I drank it all and smiled while leaning towards him.

"It'sss just vodka." Giggling I slightly pushed his chest before walking back to the table with drinks for more.

(317 words)

Blaise Zabini:

Drama. It's the one thing I hate.  Arguments are the same, I hate them. And yet, I got into and argument with a friend because of a rumor. She thinks, I banged her crush and I know that I didn't. But she doesn't seem to believe it.

After being verbally assaulted, cursed at, yelled at, and shoved I started to tear up. My vision was blurry with tears as I walked down the hall. Every once in a while I would look up and see if I saw my friend. Sadly, he wasn't anywhere in sight until I descended to the second floor. He was walking towards me and I quickly started running towards him before wrapping my arms around him.

"Cassandra is a bitch." It was the first thing I managed to say before sniffling. "She's an ignorant entitled bitch and I don't know why I wasted so much time with her." I held on slightly tighter before taking a deep breath and trying to relax. My grip on his shirt loosed and left my head on his chest.

"Um... I'm sure Cassandra is an ignorant bitch, but you're not talking to the correct person." Unlatching myself from him I squinted my eyes before wiping them clean. Or as clean as they could get.

"You're not Anthony..."

"I'm Blaise." He nodded his head in acknowledgement while smirking. Looking down at him and then at his shirt I felt guilt.

"I'm so sorry. If I knew it was you I wouldn't have done what I just did. Your shirt is a mess and it's stained and I'm so sorry. Please don't be mad. I'll clean it or something. I'm so sor-" I was quickly stopped by his hands on my shoulder.

"It's alright. You got confused, you were crying, you needed help and I was there. I have plenty of other shirts so don't even stress about it. Just don't make this a habit." He said before walking away and descending to the first floor. 

(335 words)

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