You're visiting from another school...

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Y/N's friend's names will change bc she is a visitor, so no Analeah, Erlik, William, or Cassandra. This might have another part or become a one-shot for the boys 🤷‍♀️you decide...

Mattheo Riddle:

Standing behind the huge doors was slightly intimidating

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Standing behind the huge doors was slightly intimidating. Looking at the other three transfer students we all smiled at one another nervously. We spent a long time flying from New York all the way here and so we had chances to talk. We were familiar with one another now. However the question still stood, would they accept us or at least be amicable?

"Please welcome our transfer students from Ilvermorny." Was all that was heard before the doors opened and were greeted by a huge student body and candles floating above them. Doesn't the wax fall on top of their heads?

"It's supposed to represent the night sky," mumbled Aisha as we started walking down the middle of the aisle. Even though the clasp for the cape was loose I felt like I was choking. Too many people are staring. I hadn't gotten this much attention since the day I stood on the Gordian Knot on the stone floor. Unlike Ezekiel, the rest of us had one statue choose us, Ezekiel had to choose between two. Thunderbird and Wampus, he chose Thunderbird. He told us he did it because it sounded cooler as a kid. And honestly, it did. I probably would've done the same but I was accepted into Pukwudgie. Nothing wrong with that.

Climbing up the stairs towards the headmaster we all stopped two steps in front of him, turning around we looked around into the vast room and sometimes at the students. Yellow, Red, Blue and Green. Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Slytherin; they were named after the founders of the school, truly marvelous. Because of this school we are able to get our own education in America. Some things were similar between us yet there were differences. Our statues had a reaction when choosing us but here, here... they had a hat... that screamed what house they were in.

Ignoring the speech the Headmaster was giving was a bit difficult. He was talking about treating us kindly, respect, friendliness, and impression amongst other things. It wasn't until my other classmates started moving that I came back. "What are we doing?"

"Sitting in the house our penpal sits in." Nodding my head at Aisha's words I began to walk towards the green colored table. Feeling them stare I held back on rolling my eyes knowing that it would give off the wrong sentiment. Finding a seat between a short brown haired girl and a nice looking boy I looked at my hands before looking at the Headmaster who spoke one last time.

"Please, enjoy your stay, and enjoy the feast." As he waved his wand around food popped up in front of us. It looked good but at the same time it somewhat reminded me of Ilvermorny. Voices were heard around, laughing, yelling, mumbling and an occasional second of quiet. It was odd, they were similar to us but, different at the same time.

"So, new girl, what's your name?"

"Y/N Wendigo. You?"

"Pansy Parkinson, and a few of these guys and those two girls are my friends. Avestrid would sometimes join us, she usually stuck to herself but we share a dorm where I suppose you will be staying."

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