Falling in love with them without knowing...T.N. & B.Z.

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Theodore Nott: 

It had been over three months of receiving random letters. Sometimes it was throughout class, in the halls, the library, and even the Great Hall. There were small notes and other times they were longer. At first, it was endearing. But now it's endearing and concerning.

I mean, who actually sits there and watches people? Do they just stare at me? What am I supposed to do?

"You get anything from that little admirer of yours?" Looking over at Angelina I shook my head. "It's a bit odd don't you think? Like, they've randomly stopped sending you little notes."

"Yeah, a bit concerning but also relieving because at least I don't feel like I'm being stalked as much."

"Don't you miss it?"

"Somewhat, I guess I got used to it."

"Got used to what?" Looking in front of us we watched as William placed his bag on the ground and sat in front of Angelina.

"Y/N hasn't received any notes from her admirer and she misses it."

"I said somewhat." Receiving a side glace from her we watched and William looked between the two of us.

"Ahh, alright. So, you do miss it. How long has it been?"

"Two days."

"Maybe he'll send one later."

"Yeah, maybe." Looking down at my food I overheard Angelina and William's conversation intervening at random times.


Two weeks without notes. Nothing. I miss it. I miss it so much that I've been reading the other notes as if my life depended on it. Angelina said that it seemed as if I was going through withdrawal, a love withdrawal.Of all things, a love withdrawal is my symptom, but whatever. If my admirer lost interest than that's their problem, not mine. But I also wish they'd give me a sign or one last letter.

Maybe I am going through a love withdrawal. Leaning my head against my palm in transfiguration I listened to McGonagall drone on and on about some spell along with its pro and cons. But all I could think about was my admirer. Were they ok? Was something wrong? Did they move on? 

"Y/N/N, come on. Class is dismissed." Nodding my head I put my book and quill away before following after William. 

"Are you ok?" Looking over at him I nodded my head but continued to think of my admirer. "Is it about your admirer?"

"Yeah. I mean, it's been two weeks. What if they moved on? Or what if they think that I don't like the letters?"

"Maybe they want you to find them?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like, what if you use that tracking spell we learned a few weeks back in class?" My eyes widened in realization and I smiled.

"That's- YES. Let's do it. You and Angelina can help me track my admirer down. But it has to be a note that magic was used with. It shouldn't be that hard. Let's go."

"Y/N/N we have one more class. Just wait for one more class and then we can go."

"Can we plan it in class?" He only rolled his eyes and pushed me inside of the room.


"So, you're going to put a tracking spell on the paper, to find your admirer? Why are you doing this now?"

"Because she misses them, Angie. She's in love." Rolling my eyes I merely looked at the paper and smiled. It was one of the first few notes that were given to me. It had flown over to me in the middle of arithmancy when the professor had turned his back to us.

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