The find out you play an instrument...

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By the way, in this one, the reader and the boy are dating. For instance, Mattheo and the reader are in an established relationship, however, they never outwardly say it. ENJOY!!!

Mattheo Riddle:

The clarinet was a nice instrument. But not when it squeaked for the umpteenth time when trying to get the right high note. Yeah, high note. I hate it. Looking at the music I went back like twenty measures to make sure I had the rhythm intact before playing the part again. Repeating it another ten times to make sure I got it I sighed in relief. 

Flipping the pages all the way to the beginning I felt myself get lost in the music. Getting closer to the part I so often messed up I slightly bit on the mouthpiece before playing the high notes. This in turn made the sound I needed and I continued playing the rest of the music. Stopping to flip a page I looked at the music while allowing my fingers to "air play," or merely tap on the notes. 

"And what are you doing up here, love?" Turning around I looked at the source of the voice and smiled at Mattheo. 

"Playing clarinet." I said showing him the instrument before turning to look back at the instrument. 

"I didn't know you played." It was more of a question than a statement but he closed the door before walking in. "You play very good though, I heard you as I was walking here."

Nodding my head in acknowledgement I continued to air play and smiled when he wrapped his arms around me. "Why didn't you tell me you could play?"

"I completely forgot to tell you. I also thought I had already told you. Sorry, love." I said turning my head and kissing his jaw before turning back around and continuing from where I left off. 

"Mmm, it's ok. What are you doing?"

"Air playing. It's how I learn the music without blowing into the instrument." Feeling him squeeze a little around my waist I smiled before putting my mouth around the mouthpiece. Slightly blowing into it I played the first seven measures before marking on the paper where any mistake was made. 

"Why did you mark it?"

"I played it wrong." Feeling his head go on my shoulder I continued to play on and mark any parts that were wrong. 

"What is the little b letter next to that?" Looking to where he pointed I saw the little b letter next to the note.

"The little b signifies that the note is flat," he hummed in understanding I sighed internally, I just know that he wants to ask questions about everything but I didn't want to answer them. It's endearing that he wants to know but he asks too many questions. Flipping the pages back to the beginning of the song I closed my eyes and remembered the set speed the conductor had given us before beginning. Thankfully flipping the pages was easy since the conductor had made sure that my resting periods were at the end of the page, or at least close. It made my life easier in order to be ready to play at the next introduction. 

Humming the part of another one of the instruments I connected my mouth to the instrument and waited another two seconds before playing again. I continuously repeated this until I felt Mattheo squeeze my abdomen which caught me off-guard and in return made the instrument squeak. Flinching from the sound I turned over at Mattheo and glared at him.

"You look hot when you're focused," rolling my eyes I sighed before turning back around and looking at the music before deciding that I was done for the day. Disassembling the instrument I put it in it's case and grabbed the music from the stand before putting it under my bed where my roomates wouldn't touch it. Turning towards Mattheo he smiled cheesily before wrapping his arms around me. "I would say I'm sorry, but at least I get you all to myself now." 

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