They have a beard/scruff...

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I remembered that men can grow beards or have scruff because I saw my ex the other day. It definitely helps some guys look better, older, and some other stuff. Anyways... enjoy!!!

Mattheo Riddle:

It had been about a week from the last time you had seen Mattheo. Amongst exams, studying, his quidditch practice, and your prefect duties it was hard to spend time together. The small looks, smiles, touches, and words shared between classes were able to get you both through the few days however, it was too much time without one another.

After another week of difficulties, two weeks in total, you were both now free from the clutches of the school and those horrid exams. Of course, he still had quidditch practice and you had your prefect duties to tend to but there was more time to spend together.

Walking out towards the quidditch pitch where you knew practice was being held you waited on the ground until practice ended. Watching as all the sweaty boys descended and entered the locker room you watched as Mattheo spoke to a teammate as he ran a hand through his hair. After a few seconds his teammate spotted you and you waved before he elbowed Mattheo and pointed at you. And that's when you were assaulted.

"Darling," arms around his neck you looked down at him as he carried you with one arm as the other held his broom.

"Hello Mattheo," leaning down a bit you allowed your lips to touch but after a second you abruptly leaned away. Watching his face scrunch up in confusion you let one of your hands feel the bottom half of his face. "I didn't know this was a thing."

"Well, I got a bit careless in two weeks and since you weren't around I was able to grow it out."

"I like it."

"I'm glad, but it is going away." Pouting a little you leaned back in to kiss him.

"Just one more day? It looks good and I really like it." He merely put you on the ground and shrugged his shoulders.

"Anything for you."

(319 words)

Lorenzo Berkshire: (can Louis even grow a beard? I swear he has such a baby face, it's cute tho)

"Enzo! My love!" Jumping into his open arms he held onto you tightly and did a small spin. Feeling him nuzzle into your neck you felt something rough scratch you against your neck and flinched. Almost immediately he brought his head up and looked at you concerned.

Analyzing his face closely your eyes landed on the beginnings of a beard. Letting your hands trace and caress his face his eyes widened in recognition.

"Oh yeah, that. Just something new I'm trying out. Do you like it?"

"Yeah, yeah, yes. I'm just used to seeing you all baby faced so this is really new." Letting your eyes wander throughout his face they finally landed on his eyes, but every few seconds they would travel down. Too unfocused on Enzo, you failed to notice the gleam of mischief and lust that his eyes portrayed. Feeling him squeeze your thighs you looked back into his eyes and saw that they had darkened a considerable amount. "Yes?"

"No, nothing. Just thinking about you." Unconsciously your thighs tightened around his waist and he smirked.

"Like what?"

"Oh you know, the usual," his hands then relocated themselves on you ass and gripped tightly causing you to let out a small moan. His smirk merely widened and somehow his eyes had darkened even more. "You underneath me, moaning and holding onto me as I eat you out, I'll probably fuck you hard after."

Feeling yourself get wet at the thought you clenched your legs tighter around him and dropped your head onto his shoulder. "Enzo." Whining his name out he merely let out a chuckle before he set you on the ground and lead the way to his dorm where he knew you'd both be alone for a while.

(292 words)

Theodore Nott:

"Good morning my love." I whine and turn away from his voice not wanting to wake up. "I come to visit you in the morning and this is how I'm treated? I can't believe this."

"You're such a baby." I mumble before I feel him lay on top of me. His body squishes mine and I feel his warm breath on the side of my face. Scrunching my eyes I finally decide to look at him. He's smiling, like a dork. I roll my eyes but also smile back at him.

"Good morning Theo." I say before placing my hands on his face and squishing it. "What's with the scruff?"

"Classes and quidditch have me busy. I haven't been able to shave my face but I plan on keeping it for a little more. I think I look manly with it."

I laugh and squish his cheeks a little more. "Manly my ass. You're still a child, but... it does look good on you. I also forgot you could grow a beard since you've always been clean shaven."

"Contrary to what you think, I am very manly. I'm the only man out there that will fight anyone who goes against you or says bad shit about you. And last week you said I was the only man that could ever make you feel so good." I blush at his last statement and smack his shoulder.

"You're so crude. But fine, yes, I said that. But the scruff doesn't make you manly."

"I think you're just jealous that I'm the better looking one in this relationship now."



Blaise Zabini:

You had finally gotten off the train after a long summer and felt arms wrap around you. Instinctually you giggled and let one of your arms reach back to caress the persons face. Blaise was the only person who greeted you that way, no sign, no words, just a hug from behind, and he must've been waiting for you to get off. You both usually hung out with your friends on train rides and once you got to Hogwarts you travelled together.

"Hello love," allowing your hand to touch his face the first thing you felt was roughness. The usual smooth and soft contour of his face was gone and now replaced with a certain roughness that you'd never felt. It was odd. Turning around, his arms remained around your waist and you inspected his face. "Trying something new?"

"Yeah, you like it?" Makes me wanna sit on your face.

Holding back on the comment I smiled and nodded my head. "Yeah, it makes you look older and mature."

"Older, huh? I didn't know you were into older men." Feeling myself flush, I merely rolled my eyes and smiled.

"If I wasn't into older men then I wouldn't be dating you."

"That's fair. Also mature? Do I not look mature already?"

"Yeah, the beard merely emphasizes it. It also makes you look ten times hotter." I said before leaning my head on his chest where he wouldn't be able to see my red face. Feeling his chest tremble in a slight laugh his arms tightened around me.

"I'm glad you like it, I might actually keep it then." Lifting my head up from his chest I looked into his eyes and smiled.

"Yes please." His eyes widened and a second later he smirked.

"Someone's excited." Feeling his hands travel down my waist I slapped them away and felt myself get redder.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. We have to get to the carriages, lets go."

(323 words)

Sorry for disappearing for a while. I have a few drafts from before so I'll probably publish those soon. Some are a bit NSFW, just a small warning.

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