Ruthless... M.R. (NSFW)

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"And now, for the latest-"

"Fuck-Mattheo!" I whined out his name as his fingers went deeper inside me. There was something about the cold silver rings and his long fingers that were just so addicting and pleasurable.

"Yes, baby?" He was sitting behind me, his head on my shoulder watching his fingers disappear and reappear. His other hand was under my shirt groping my chest, sometimes gently and other times harshly. I threw my head back on his shoulder and moaned. The radio we had turned on a while back was completely forgotten. He started to kiss down my neck, nibbling softly on the flesh before actually sucking on it and leaving bruises in his wake. I let out a sigh of pleasure and closed my eyes at the feeling of him taking control.

"You really like this, huh? Who would've known that my sweet little girlfriend would like my fingers inside her."

"Your r-rings." He only chuckled before he started curling and scissoring his fingers inside me. "F-f-fuck."

I'm not sure how much longer I lasted for but once I came, Mattheo shifted me over a bit and took off both his sweats and underwear leaving him completely naked. I on the other hand still had my shirt on and I wasn't planning on taking it off until he said something.

Slowly lowering myself down, i kneel on the bed between his legs and slowly start to stroke his cock before leaning forward and sucking on the tip. Taking a second I then slide down until I feel him hitting the back of my throat and retreating. I place my hand on the base and pump it every once in a while as I continuously bob my head up and down and swirl my tongue around his sensitive flesh.

Looking up I notice that Mattheo is already looking at me and he bucks his hips up urging me to go faster. I slightly choke on him but comply with his wishes either way. Bobbing my head faster around him, I hear soft groans of pleasure and I smirk.

"Oh come on now love, don't get smug." I then feel his hand grab a fistful of my hair before he erratically starts to move both my head and his hips at the same time.  The feeling of him taking control is intoxicating and yet he doesn't ever stop his unyielding pace.

He reaches down and cups one of my breasts, squeezing gently through the shirt before pinching my nipple hard. I moan in pain and pleasure yet I look at his face and notice how it contorts to one of pure pleasure. His mouth is slightly agape, as well as his eyes. He's looking down and smirks before upping the thrusts causing me to take more of his length in my mouth. Whereas Mattheo groans and moans in satisfaction, I whine and choke every few seconds letting a few tears fall from my face. 

Feeling his hand softly caress my face I look at  him and notice the blissed face he had ass he continuously ruts into me. Then out of nowhere I hear him whimper and smile knowing that he's close. Looking at him closely I watch as his eyes roll into his head and I take the opportunity to swirl my tongue around the head teasing him a little before deep throating him completely. 

"F-fuck," and then the feeling of his warmth fills my mouth and I take everything, swallowing everything just like he told me to months ago. After swirling my tongue around him one last time I disconnect from him and sit up. Even through his heavy breathing he merely smirks and opens up his arms welcoming me into his embrace.  Leaning against him I feel his arms go around me and slowly feel his breath start to even out before I succumb to sleep. Might as well get some rest before he decides to go for another round.  

I'm alive!!! Also, I'm not 100% happy with this but I had this in my drafts and said "why not?"

Anyways, have fun!

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