Sleep... T.R. (NSFW)

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"If you keep fucking me at this pace you'll end up with an unwanted heir." He merely rolled his eyes and continued slamming into me.

"It's not my fault you were moaning my name in your sleep." I blush at his words and turn my head away as his thrusts continue. "Look at me." His voice has lowered and in a sense, darkened. It was scary yet insanely hot. Not wanting to get punished I looked into his eyes and shivered, they were completely black. I wasn't exactly sure what happened, but when I woke up he was already thrusting into me at a fast and hard pace.

His hands are like a vice holding my hips down, a bruise is definitely going to be there after all of this. The hickeys on my neck and chest stung but I paid them no mind, especially since I my mind was elsewhere. For a moment he slowed down and I caught my breath. But with a growl, he thrusted into me again, his hips slamming against mine. He kissed me deeply, his tongue dancing with mine as he took me to the edge of pleasure.

"Fuck, I'm close," I moan and keep my eyes locked on his. He somehow managed r to go faster and I moan obscenely loud, like something you'd hear in a porn video.

With a powerful thrust, he released himself inside me, filling me with his seed. I feel him shudder as he cums, his hips jerking against mine. He kisses me deeply, his tongue tangling with mine as he claims my body again for who-knows-how-many-times this night.

As he pulls out of me, he traces his fingers along my inner thigh, leaving a trail of wetness in his wake. I feel his cool breath on my neck as he leans down to nip at my earlobe.

"I'll make sure you don't walk for the rest of the week.  And if you do walk, I'll repeat tonight until I make sure you can't walk for the rest of the month." I blush and whimper at his words feeling at his complete mercy. He only smirks before lifting my legs and putting them on his shoulder.  After a few more seconds he thrusts back inside but harsher. His pace is relentless leaving me breathless and unable to say or do anything.

One of his hands snake up to my neck and holds me there with force while also choking me. I moan loudly and Tom merely chuckles.

"You're such a slut. Look at you, moaning for me while I choke you. My pretty little slut." I moan even louder at his words and his thrusts become unrelenting making my moans come out choppy and at the rhythm of his thrusts. He uses his other arm for support allowing me the pleasure of touching him, something I rarely got to do.

I place my hands on his back and dig my nails into his skin. He merely smirks at me and continues his harsh thrusts. I rake my hands up and down his back surely leaving traces of tonight on his body.

"Tom... fuck TOM... I'm gonna c-cum. Tom, Tom please." I gasp for air and start to clench and unclench around Tom hoping to get him to cum sooner.

"Go on, cum like the whore you always have been. Be a good girl." I feel my body shake and my nails dig into his skin before I actually cum. However, Tom doesn't stop. Instead he continues through my orgasm and after a few more minutes he collapses on top of me. His cum continues to shoot out and make me warm inside.

"How many rounds did you do while I slept?" I asked after I had relaxed a bit.

"You came three while you were sleeping, I came once.  You're rather beautiful and unaware in your sleep, and your moans were exquisite." Only he would compliment my moans.

"No wonder I feel so full and warm. I also wasn't joking about the heir thing, you keep this up and we'll end up with a little you running around." He merely looks deep into my eyes before placing his hands on my stomach.

"Well, at least an heir is guaranteed with you." Slowly his hand trails down before feeling around my whole. He scoops up some of the cum that's exits me and pushes it back inside with his fingers. I flinch against the movement but moan softly. After a few more thrusts with his finger he inserts his cock again claiming it to be a plug so that none of him semen gets out.

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