They catch you staring...

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I think I'll try doing one-shots, just request and I'll try my best. Thanks!

Mattheo Riddle:

Looking over the field my eyes caught onto a certain group of Slytherins that were walking by. Watching as they laughed and talked, my eyes held onto a certain boy, Mattheo. His hair looked lighter in the slight sunlight and his eyes as well. His light skin looked somewhat shinier, the sun made him look ethereal.

Even though I wasn't close enough to him I could tell that he was smiling and sometimes spoke to his friends. He looked happy, which was different from the usual annoyed or angered face he had. It looked good on him. Really good. 

So good that I failed to notice someone else looking at me. It wasn't until the whole group turned over to look at me that I realized that I was probably staring a little too long. Trying to hide it, I continued looking at Mattheo as if nothing had happened. As if I wasn't purposefully staring and he simply got in the way. Like, I was lost in thought. 

It wasn't until they started getting closer that I blinked and looked at all of them in the eyes. The intimidating looks this group gave made me squirm a bit. Standing up from under the tree I looked at them slightly confused.

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

"We're just gonna sit here, Wendigo. No need to get your panties in a twist," rolling my eyes at Draco's response I sat back down and leaned on the tree while they spread themselves about the area. Staring off into the Black Lake I failed to notice that someone sat beside me until a hand came into view. Turning over I met brown eyes and felt myself slightly flush.


"I noticed you staring before, quite flattering from someone so gorgeous."

"You'd wish I stared at you."

"Then how come every time I would look somewhere in your direction your eyes would be following me?" Rolling my eyes I laughed slightly before looking at the Black Lake again. What the fuck do I say to that?

"I thought people were supposed to look at masterpieces," I said feeling myself flush a dark shade of red. Where did that come from? He merely chuckled while I looked down into my lap embarrassed. 

"The only real masterpiece here, is you, love." He said before getting up and walking over to Theodore.

(397 words)

Lorenzo Berkshire:

Divination was truly a boring class, sometimes. If Trelawney was in the mood she would sometimes tell us who was gonna die next. It spiced up the class a few times but after a while, it grew boring. However, I never got bored of looking at the boy across from me. 

Ugh, he is cute. And it's a bit sad that I've never really had the chance to talk to him. His light brown eyes, messy brown hair, soft jawline and kind smile never failed to put me in a trance. He seemed to have no blemishes on his face which I was a bit envious of, but either way, he is cute.

Enzo Berkshire.

The "soft" slytherin, but I have a feeling that the supposed "softness" was just a facade for who he really was. Getting lost in thought I failed to notice that I was staring straight into his eyes. 

Yep, right into his eyes. Those light brown eyes. Those kind and friendly eyes. So, enchanting. He started smiling and waved at me from across the room. Finally blinking I got out of my trance and waved back as heat started to envelope me. I got caught. Shit. 

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