you being needy...

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Mattheo Riddle:

He already knew you were needy by the way you closed the door and sauntered over to him before finding comfort in his lap. The loud sigh and slight rolling of your hips against him was another, very obvious, tell-tale.

"You good there, darling?"


As if on autopilot Mattheo's hands reached your ass and caressed them lightly before going beneath your skirt and grabbing you harsher. Moaning against his shoulder you felt himself get harder and smirked while grinding down a bit more.

"You're very needy today," he said as he felt you through your panties, "and absolutely soaked, makes for easier access."

Smacking him lightly on his shoulder you heard him chuckle before suddenly feeling the bedsheets underneath you. Looking up at him you caught sight of the dark lustful eyes mixed with mischief. "Let's hope you can go through the whole night." 

(145 words)

Lorenzo Berkshire:

You felt bad, but you also wanted him. It was  two in the morning and there really wasn't any light coming through the window but you could tell Enzo was asleep. The closed eyes and the slightly parted lips were a tell-tale sign of it. But, you decided it was best to get it over with.

"Enzo... darling... love... Lorenzo." Running your fingers through his hair you watched as his eyebrows furrowed before his eyes opened. Giving him a minute to wake up a little more you rubbed your legs together at the sight of him without a shirt on. His prominent v-line leaving you to imagine what could happen in the next few minutes.

"Y/N/N? What's wrong love? What time is it?"

"It's like two in the morning, and I really want you." Placing you hand on the lower part of his stomach you looked up at him innocently. At that his eyes widened and you felt yourself be tugged until you were sitting on top of him. Placing your hands on his chest you already felt how hard he was underneath you and let out a quiet moan.

"Go ahead, use me, but just for right now." He only smirked and let his arms rest behind his head as he watched you.

(216 words)

Theodore Nott:

It had been more than ten hours since Theo had placed the vibrator inside you. Since he saw it on some muggle article he bought it and asked if he could use it. Accepting, you put it inside and waited for Theo to start it. Wanting to test it out he put it on a low setting and watched as you slightly shuffled on his bed. After another few minutes of experimenting he turned it off and just looked at you.

"Don't take it off. I'll be controlling it throughout the day." Feeling your heart race at the thought, you merely nodded your head and walked out with Theo to your first class.

Now it was five in the afternoon. Lunch was soon and Theo had yet to let you release. It was as if he knew when you were close and either shut it off or put it on a low setting. Touching yourself wasn't helping either so you quit doing it after a while. You also knew better than using any toys to help you since Theo would notice and would get mad. Looking at the clock you saw it was six, Theo will be back from practice. Getting up you walked down the stairs and into the common room where you awaited him to enter.

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