You tell them random facts...

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This was made because I know so many random facts and I feel the need to share it with people, it used to be friends and family but now it includes you guys. These are also short and not proof-read.  Enjoy!!!

Mattheo Riddle:

"Did you know the moon has moonquakes?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"So the earth has earthquakes and the moon has moonquakes."

"Ok? How?"

"I don't know, I just know there are different types."

"Huh, interesting. Anything else I should know?"

"A certain female elephant can be pregnant for about two years."


"Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards."


"Tigers have stripes on their skin, it's not just their fur."


"Pandas do handstands when they pee."

He laughed a bit at that one and I waited until he was finished to continue.

"Penguins can shoo-" feeling a hand cover my mouth I stopped talking and my eyes widened to look at Mattheo.

"Y/N/N, love, those are some really interesting facts but no more."


"Yeah, they're actually pretty funny."

"You're just immature." I said before grabbing his hand and leading him to the Great Hall for dinner.

(153 words)

Lorenzo Berkshire:

"You can't hum while pinching your nose."

"What? Yes you can."

"Try it," and he did. And he failed. "See?"

"How do you even know that?"

"My younger sister goes to a muggle school for now and she read a book about random facts. She started talking about it during dinner over the summer and I just remembered that."

"Oh, alright."

"You can' t tickle yourself." Again he tried it and was unsuccessful.

"What the hell?"

"Being tickled and Laughing is a nervous reaction a person has."

"You're so random."

"I know."

"Tell me more though."

"Alright, let me remember some. No pressuring allowed."

(104 words)

Theodore Nott:

"Hey Theo?"

"Yes?" Feeling his fingers continue to run through my hair I held back a giggle.

"You have more bones as baby than you do now. When you're a baby you have around 300 bones and once you're old," poking him in the chest I continued, "you have only like 200 or so." 

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