they find out you have a sibling...

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Mattheo Riddle:

Many people thought you were dating, including Mattheo. Sure, you weren't together together, but you were together. Mattheo still hadn't asked you out because of the other guy. On weekends or random afternoons after classes, Mattheo saw the both of you either together or randomly, but you were dressed the same.

If you wore a brown shirt and black pants, the other guy would as well. To Mattheo, it seemed like you were leading him on even though you were with someone else. It bothered him. Even if you weren't together in his mind, you were his.

However, what bothered him most was how close you were to him. Most times you'd lean on him or laugh hard at anything he said which in turn made the guy laugh as well. In short, Mattheo was jealous. Very jealous.


Walking into potions Mattheo saw you, he was going to stand next to you but instantly noticed the person next to you. It was him. Immediately his relaxed mood became angry and envious. Why the fuck was he sitting next to you? Why was he always around you?

He ended up standing beside Theodore  at the table on the other side of the class. He merely looked at Mattheo and then at the boy he was glaring at, looking at you he realized why Mattheo seemed in a foul mood. You were there smiling, talking and laughing with the guy beside you. What made it worse was the fact that you were in the same house and also pushing and shoving one another at times. It did indeed seem as if you were together. As if you and Mattheo weren't talking and going on dates every now and then. And then he saw it, the blush that caused you to cover your face. Theo looked over at Mattheo and noticed that he was now glaring at the two of you. His jaw and fists were clenched, he wanted to fight.

However, they were both confused when you looked up and pointed at Mattheo while turning a darker shade of red. The guy beside you merely smiled at Mattheo which caught him off-guard. But the clenched jaw returned when he saw the guy wrap an arm around your shoulder and whisper something before dragging you along with him towards their table. When they got there all they heard was some bickering before the guy looked at Mattheo.

They were about the same height and made direct eye-contact. However, the guy was no longer smiling, he looked a bit more intimidating, and that was saying a lot.

"You're Mattheo?"

"Yes, and you are?"

"Edward," he stuck his hand out and Mattheo shook his hand with some force. Y/N looked at Mattheo in hopes that he would look at her and relax. Why was he even mad in the first place? He was fine during Herbology two period ago. What happened?

Feeling her brother stab her with his finger in her waist she jumped to the side. "Can you stop that already? I told you it isn't fun Edward."

"It is, you just don't see it," and then he turned back to Mattheo, ignoring Y/N. "Little old Y/N here, has told me that you two have gone out together a few times. Is that correct?"

"I don't see why that's any of your concern," Edward immediately glared at him and Y/N elbowed Mattheo who didn't look down at her.

"It's my concern because Y/N is my sister. My twin sister. So I'd advise that you answer my questions before you're no longer able to spend time with her," at that Mattheo's demeanor changed. His straightened posture tensed even more, his fists loosened, the jaw unclenched and his eyes widened a bit.


"Yes. Y/N did you not tell him about me?"

"I did, I'm just gonna assume that he never paid attention when I was talking about you," this time it was Y/N who was glaring at Mattheo. He merely smiled cheekily before responding.

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