Calling them by the wrong name...

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I'm actually surprised this book has gotten the attention it has. This was purely made out of indulgence and you guys seem to like it. I also have a few unfinished drafts so i'll try completing those as well. Thanks to you all tho!!💜💜

Mattheo Riddle:

"I dare you to call Mattheo by the wrong name anytime you see him."



I might regret it. Matter of fact, I already do and I haven't even seen him yet. He might get mad. No, he'll definitely get mad and there's no way I'll be able to escape his questions.

Walking to the first class of the day I smiled when I felt an arm go around my waist. You can do this.

"Hey Theo- Mattheo, sorry." Turning my head I face him and give a cheesy smile. "Sorry Mattheo."

Looking at his face I notice his jaw is slightly clenched but he smiles and nods his head. "It's alright, it was a one time thing right?"

No it's not.

"Yes," I nod my head as extra reassurance and continue walking towards the potions room. Sitting at my usual spot.


"Hey Theo? Sorry, Mattheo, I need help with this."

"What did you call me?"


"No, before that." His hands were fisted and his jaw was clenched. All that was missing was any vein in his body to just pop.


"You sure it wasn't something else?"

"Nope, just Mattheo." He squinted his eyes looking at me skeptically before looking down at the parchment I held in my hand.


"THEO!! shit, MATTHEO!!"

"That's it." It was easy to notice that he was through with the shenanigans. Instead of confronting me though he instead grabbed my wrist and dragged me up the stairs before entering Theo and Enzo's room, where only Theodore was. Getting pushed into the room, Mattheo closes the door harshly, finally catching Theo's attention.

"What are yo-"

"Mind telling me why my girlfriend has been calling me by your name, all day?" Theo only looked confused and looked between the two of us.

"I don't know, ask her. I only saw her during charms and dinner. You know I wouldn't go for your own girl." Although I felt a little scared for Theo, his relaxedness about the entire situation doubled it, maybe tripled it.

"Well maybe there's only one reason and it's that you're seeing each other behind my back."

"Mattheo, darling, it was a prank."

"Yeah sure." He scoffed and rolled his eyes at my small explanation.

"Pansy will be able to confirm, she was there. Matter of fact, she was the one that suggested it. She told me to call you by the wrong name all day every time I saw you." He looked at me bewildered before actually absorbing the information and thinking it through.

"That makes sense." Nodding my head I turned to Theo and gave him a sorry excuse of a smile.

"Sorry, about all of this." He merely nodded his head and looked at Mattheo.

"You good?"

"Yeah, just gotta have a chat with someone now. C'mon beautiful," grabbing a hold of my hand Mattheo led me out of the room before closing the door and pining me to the wall beside it. "Do something like that again, and I might not be very forgiving with you, now go to my room."

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