Your secret talent...

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Mattheo Riddle:

We were all just sitting in the common room, it was a random friday. There was one or two bottles of alcohol being passed around and it was peaceful. Small conversation were held and sometimes a laugh could be heard but overall it was quiet. Relaxing.

I was leaning on Mattheo's shoulder with my eyes closed as I listened to everyone's conversation to keep me awake. However, Mattheo's hand rubbing my waist in a vertical motion was making me slowly lose consciousness. 

"How about we play a game?" Hearing Enzo's voice cut through the peaceful air I felt more awake. Keeping my eyes closed I continued to listen to him. "Truth or dare?"

"That's a bit old." Agreeing with Blaise I almost let out a sigh of relief but then Pansy spoke.

"Yeah, but we have nothing better to do, so why not?" At that everyone agreed so I opened my eyes and sat up. 

"Did you sleep?" Turning to Mattheo I smiled.

"No, I didn't want to." He nodded his head and leaned back onto the couch. Laying on the other end I let my legs go on his lap and watched as he put his arms on top to rest. 

"Alright, Theodore, truth or dare?" 

"Dare." Looking back over at Enzo we watched as he silently thought of something before talking aloud.

"I dare you to kiss the first portrait you see." Laughing at the thought Enzo followed Theodore out and when they came back, both were smiling. "I didn't know they could be so mean."

"It should've been pleased to know that I kissed it, even if it is a portrait." Laughing at Theodore's remark we awaited for him to choose the next victim.

"Y/N, truth or dare?" Taking a few seconds to consider my options I looked at Theo and saw him raise an eyebrow.


"Lame, but who visits your dorm because it definitely isn't Mattheo." Sending a questioning look at him I quickly come to the realization of what he's talking about and laugh along with Pansy.

"That's just her. It's all her. She just changes her voice to impersonate anyone."

"Yeah, it's really fun, especially when we get to really weird ones." 

"Oh yeah, the other day she did one of the house elves and it was so good. Really weird and creepy but really good. Like, it seemed that the elf was there." 

"I didn't know you could do that." Looking over at Mattheo I shrugged my shoulders.

"I didn't know either, I found out like a month ago when me and Pansy were making fun of this girl from Ravenclaw who was complaining about her grade or something."

"Anyway, Pansy, truth or dare?"

"Wait, hold on. That isn't fair, you gotta show us you can actually do it."

"You guys can choose me and make me do it whenever I get chosen again." Hearing Enzo groan in defeat I turned back to Pansy.


"Did you actually get caught with Theo the other day?" Watching her and Theo's face darken I started to laugh. "And you didn't tell me?"

"I'm sorry." Rolling my eyes at her false apology turned my head away in false distaste. "Dramatic much? Enzo, truth or dare?"


"Chug the rest of this bottle and kiss the first girl you see outside of the common room." And he did it. It wasn't pretty but by the time he came back he was leaning on Pansy for a bit of support. After he sat down he looked at me and smirked.

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