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August 3, 2005

It was now the day of the festival. You had some trouble sleeping thinking of going on a "date" with Baji. You were laying down in your bed hugging your  plushie. Today's the day. It's not a date, we're just hanging out as friends. A knock interrupted your thoughts.

"Y/N-chan." Ryoko opened the door and went in. "What's wrong?"


"You sure? You know you can always talk to me about whatever."

"Yeah, I know, but I'm fine really."

"If you say so. Anyways, it's time for you to get ready to go to the festival. I came by to help you do your hair."

Ryoko did your hair in a neat bun with loose strands. She also helped you put on your kimono. She bought it for you when she got out of work. Since you told her you were going to the festival, she knew she had to buy you a kimono to wear. The kimono had a flower design and it was in your favorite color.

"You look so cute Y/N-chan! Let me get my camera real quick, I want to take a picture!" She quickly left the room to go get the camera.

Meanwhile, you just kept looking at yourself in the mirror. I really love the kimono! You heard footsteps and thought it was Ryoko. When you turned around, you saw Baji. He just stood there staring.

She's beautiful. He felt his face get hot and his heart beating fast. He quickly looked away not wanting you to see him blushing. Fuck, not again.

Just then Ryoko came. She looked at Baji and noticed him blushing. "Keisuke, you're here. That's great, now I can take a picture of both of you!"


"Come on, go stand next to her so I can take a picture." She pushed him towards you so he can take a picture with you. He stood next to you feeling awkward.

"Now smile!" She took the picture. "Y/N-chan, you look so cute in this picture. I swear you look like a model!"

"I-I wouldn't say that."

"But you're so cute!"

"It's like you like Y/N more than me."

"I like you both equally even though you always cause trouble while Y/N-chan doesn't."

"Whatever, we're leaving. Come on Y/N."

You went out of your room with Baji following behind. Before he exited your room, his mother stopped him.

"Keisuke, don't get yourself into trouble."

"Yeah, yeah."

"I mean it. I want Y/N-chan to have a good time."

"I get it, I won't get in any trouble."

"Just be safe."

You were outside waiting for Baji. He came out and went up to you.

"We're going in my bike."

"But I'm wearing a kimono."

"I won't drive fast."

"You better not."

"Just hop on."

You sat behind him and he started the bike. As he drove off, he was riding at a normal speed. You actually didn't think he'd ever drive like a normal person. He would always lie when he says he won't go to fast, but this time he didn't lie.

You guys took a bit longer getting there, but at least it was a smooth ride there. You guys finally arrived and you saw Emma and Draken waiting.

"Y/N!" Emma said as she ran up to you. "You look so cute as always!"

My Hero // Baji Keisuke Where stories live. Discover now