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The next day...

You woke up early since you were going back to school. It's been a while since you were at school and you didn't feel like going. You were used to staying at home. You dragged yourself out of bed to get ready. You were feeling a bit anxious about going back. Since you almost died, you knew your classmates probably found out already. You didn't want to hear them talk about it.

"Something wrong?" Baji asked as you came out of your room.

"I don't want to go to school. Everyone probably knows what happened to me and I don't want to hear them talk about me."

"Don't worry about it, I'll just threaten everyone if they talk shit."

"Thanks." You just gave him a small smile.

It made you feel better knowing you had Baji. The two of you had breakfast before heading out. Baji did notice you still feeling anxious, so he held your hand. As you were getting closer to the school, he still held your hand.

Does he not care if we're holding hands?

The two of you entered the school and got to your locker so you can change shoes. Once the two of you changed shoes, he held your hand again and took you to your classroom. Your weren't feeling so anxious thanks to Baji. Entering the classroom, your classmates would stare and some would make

"Didn't she get stabbed?"

"I thought she was dead."

"Not like anyone would've missed her."

"What's she doing with a delinquent?"

"Is she dating a delinquent?"

"She must be crazy being with someone like him."

"He'll definitely hurt her."

Hearing them make those comments made you want to leave. You squeezed Baji's hand hinting that you didn't want to be there. He looked at you and noticed you were feeling uncomfortable.

"You bastards better shut the fuck before I fuck y'all up! I don't wanna hear one of you scums say shit about Y/N, got that! If I hear anything, trust me, you won't get away with it!" He said in a threatening tone.

He led you outside the class and to the entrance of the school.

"I-I'm sorry." You said as you kept your head down.

"Sorry for what, you did nothing wrong. They should be the ones saying sorry, not you."

You just hugged him and started crying. He hugged you back and just let you cry. Once you were starting to calm down, you let go and wiped away your tears.

"Let's leave." You said.

The two of you went back home. You just shut yourself in your room. Baji wanted to be with you, but you told him to leave you alone. He decided to go back to school and talk with Chifuyu. He went to Chifuyu's class and dragged him outside to the hallway.

"Baji-san, what the fuck?! Why did you drag me out of class?"

"I need help."

"What do you need help with?"

"I need help killing these fucking bastards!"

"Wait, what?! No! What's wrong with you? Please don't ever do anything that crazy!"

"Y/N came back to school and her fucking classmates started saying shit. We left and then she started crying. I swear I'll hurt anyone who makes her cry."

"Poor Y/N. We can beat up the guys who said shit."

"You're right, come on let's go."

"Just like that?!"

"No shit."

"Wait, you can't just barge in, you'll get in trouble!"

"So, I don't care."

"I know, but what about your mom. She'll get real mad at you again."

Baji stopped in his tracks. "Fuck, you're right. I don't wanna deal with her."

"Not only her, but also Y/N. She wouldn't want you fighting her classmates. What if they end up hating her for what you did to them?"

Baji didn't think of how that would affect you. He realized Chifuyu had a point.

"Fine, I won't do anything. I don't want Y/N to get mad at me."

"Talk to her first and then you guys can decide on what to do."

"I'll have to wait till she's feeling better. She's locked up in her room. She wouldn't even let me be with her."

"So it's that bad huh. Try talking to her. Don't leave her alone, she needs you."

She needs me. "You're right, I should be with her right now."

"Now go, don't waste any time."

"Thanks Chifuyu."

Baji headed right home. Talking with Chifuyu helped him realize that he should be with you in times like these. He had no idea what to do to make you feel better when you're feeling down. Even if he didn't have anything he could say to make things better, he knew that just being by your side will make you feel like you're not alone.

Meanwhile, you were just crying in your room. You covered yourself up with your blanket and cried. You didn't think your classmates would say such things. You were hoping you can go back to school without any problems, but no, your classmates said some hurtful things. There was one comment that made you rethink of your relationship with Baji.

Is being with Baji-san bad? Will he really hurt me?

Just thinking about it made you cry more. You didn't know what to think anymore. Your classmates think you're crazy for dating a delinquent, but you don't see him that way. Sure he's in a gang and gets into fights, but you've seen this other side of him which you like.

I wanna be with Baji-san, I don't care what anyone says. I know he'll never hurt me.

My Hero // Baji Keisuke Where stories live. Discover now