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After Hongjoong showed him around or more like he just followed and didn't care. He showed him the first class he had to go to. The adviser put them in the same class so if he has questions the shorter of the two could answer them.

They both walked into class together. The whole class looked at both of them and the teacher just looked bored, while he wrote something on the board.

"Hello you must be the new kid. Please introduce yourself" the teacher Mr. Min asked Seonghwa.Hongjoong took a seat next to wooyoung while waiting for the boy to introduce himself to the class.

"Im Park Seonghwa and i'm your new classmate" he just stood there with his hands in his pocket. Just looking around the room. He was trying to get a feel of where he would have to be for the next few years.

"Okay then so take a seat next to yeosang" he pointed at the empty seat next to yeosang. "raise your hand please" yeosang raised his hand and seonghwa walked up and sat down. He already wanted out of there.

His seat was right behind Hongjoong.

Throughout the whole class all Seonghwa saw was the weirdo kid that showed him around school answering all the questions, then came an idea. He smirked to himself while tapping the desk and getting many stares from students that were in awe with him.

Seonghwa walked up to hongjoong at the end of a few classes. It was lunch time and he was gonna start his plan now.

"Hey since I'm new I was wondering if I can sit with you" Seonghwa just smiled and leaned on the lockers. Hongjoong looked flustered and his ears were very bright red.

"Yeah sure" he nodded his head while closing the locker after putting his books away. After they both went to the cafeteria.

Seonghwa and hongjoong walked up to a table and boy was Seonghwa already annoyed. Hongjoongs friends seem to have not noticed him. So he just faked a cough to let them know that he was there.

Both Wooyoung and San looked at him with a smile and then saw Seonghwa and they froze.San and Wooyoung were both confused about why this new kid was standing with the black haired at their table.

"So guys meet park Seonghwa as you know from class. He doesn't know anyone so he asked to sit here" hongjoong looked at both so see their reactions while sitting.

"Ahh okay hi I'm wooyoung and this is my friend San" wooyoung faked a smile. This guy seems sketchy, wooyoung thought.

San just smiled but it was forced like he was sad about something wooyoung said.

Seonghwa didn't really know what to say so he just smiled and looked at hongjoong for help.Wooyoung and San were having their own conversation while Seonghwa was thinking of ways he can make hongjoong fall for him.

"So hongjoong were you always so cute? '' Seonghwa said with that confidence and sharp eyes. Hongjoong on the other hand choked on his water. While Wooyoung and San just looked at them with wide eyes.

Hongjoong nervously chuckled "uhh.. thanks.. I guess" He looked away shyly.The bell rang and they headed to their next class.

All day Seonghwa has been saying a very weird choice of words to hongjoong. But he can't help but blush every time. It was a problem and he needed to know that no one would ever like him.


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