Better This Time

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"Where the hell is wooyoung?" Hongjoong was waiting. He was looking through his closet still just in case.

"Should I just wear this?" It was an outfit that held memories that he didn't want to remember. It was only worn once so he wouldn't mind. It was a black corset, mesh see through top that showed off his waist, he had a short mini skirt that had a cut in the middle, revealing more skin. He put on high platform boots that were of course black.

After being satisfied with the outfit, Hongjoong wanted to do his own makeup. He had a Smokey eye with a little bit of silver sparkles, brightening up his face. He had highlights on his cheekbones and nose.

He looked fuckable.

Tonight Hongjoong wanted to have a good night and hopefully make some money. Today had been hell, he wanted to forget the shit show today was. And maybe just maybe find someone who is willing to have him.

Hongjoong was looking in the mirror and grabbed one of the clip cigarettes that he saved. He left the cancer stick in his mouth And took the gel and slicked back his hair.

The small man picked up his phone and called wooyoung again.




Nobody was answering.

"Whatever" if nobody was answering then wooyoung must be doing something else. Hongjoong just rolled his eyes and grabbed a leather jacket. He put out the cigarette in the ashtray. Not worried at all, the small male put his keys in his pocket and left the house. Even if it was a sketchy area it beats being with his so-called family.

As he was walking down the street he heard some guys cat call, nothing new to the brown haired. He wasn't really scared. But the walk to Jongho's club was gonna take awhile, he even considered taking an uber. The thought of waiting on the street was not very appealing.

While walking he heard a horn beeping at him.

"Hey!" Some guy yelled out from the car.

Hongjoong turned to check out who it was. The only reason he bothered looking was because the voice sounded familiar.

"Do you need a ride?" Of fucking course it was the one guy he didn't want to see.

Seonghwa was in his stupid sports car with his stupid grin on his face and his stupid stupidness. The same man who made him so emotional just had to be calling him.

"I'm fine, thanks." Hongjoong does not wanna be around him. At least not now.

"It's cold out sweetheart, let me give you a ride. I insist." The white haired clearly didn't know when to give up. Hongjoong was 100% conflicted.

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