Maybe More?

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"I'll help you and your friends." Hongjoong called Jongho after he woke up. He explained the situation to Jongho in hopes that he'll have the heart to agree.

"Thank you, I know this isn't something I should really be asking. I just don't want Wooyoung to be in trouble." Hongjoong felt much better but a part of him felt weighed down. He was worrying about his friends, his boyfriend, and now Seonghwa. It was stressful if you ask him.

"I need to meet up with you guys. I have some business to take care of first and some questions." Jongho hung up after that. Hongjoong was just glad he agreed in the first place.

Now that was one thing off of his shoulders. Seonghwa's letter was still on his mind though. What could he do? Nothing really. Just wait until trouble comes again.

He still needed to make up with Mingi. That was his focus now, but he needed to let Wooyoung know that Jongho was willing.

Hongjoong called him and after the fourth ring he picked up.

"Ya! He said he'd do it, we have to meet up later though."

"You woke me up at six in the morning to tell me that?" Wooyoung was clearly sleeping. More grouchy than grateful.

"A Thank you would be appreciated." Hongjoong rolled his eyes.

"Thank you Hongjoong, I mean it." The smaller male could tell that Wooyoung meant what he said. This was a serious topic.

"Of course. I'll see you later then." Hongjoong hung up the phone and started to text Mingi.

'Hey, can we talk? I need to tell you something.'

Hongjoong had nothing better to do so he started cleaning his apartment. He put some music on a speaker. While passing the front door he made sure it was locked. Although he knew that Seonghwa wouldn't do anything crazy, he just didn't want to risk it.

When he was cleaning the table in the kitchen he could see the Lily he left. It was still freshly alive. He just stared at it, he didn't know what to do with it. The right choice would be to throw it out but Hongjoong didn't have the heart to.

An hour passed by and not even a quarter of the apartment was clean. He kept getting distracted with random things he found. Like right now he had on big glasses and a fluffy scarf around his neck while dancing super shy.

After a while he grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. He was hungry, but he didn't have anything else but water in the fridge. He picked up his phone.

'Should I just order pizza?'

He thought against it. He'll just eat later with Mingi, if the male answers him.

Ding, Hongjoong's phone vibrated. The male held his phone to see a text from Mingi.

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