Oh No

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Hongjoong walked into the building feeling an adrenaline rush. He just talked to his ex-crush, and enemy, Seonghwa.

He felt so powerful, a new sensation of happiness that filled his heart. He was so ready to seduce these men and earn some money.

"Hongjoong." Jongho called out to the small man.

"Yes my love." Jongho is already concerned with the smile plastered onto the olders face. He was shiny and sparkly, truly beautiful. Jongho couldn't take his eyes off the boy. Even his outfit was perfect for him.

"You're on in 15 minutes, I honestly thought you weren't coming. I was about to get desperate and do it myself." Jongho laughed his ass off, thinking he was funny. Hongjoong just stared at him with a blank face.

"Okay okay not funny, I get it." Jongho surrendered and put his hands up.

"Anywho imma go to the back and touch up on some makeup. See ya soon." The short male sent a flying kiss Jonghos way and started heading to the back dressing rooms.

"KIM HONGJOONG, WE MISSED YOUUUU! JONGHO DIDN'T TELL US YOU'D BE HERE!" One of the girls, Lia, yelled. She was so excited to see Hongjoong after a while.

Lia jumped on the smaller with her hands around his neck. Hongjoong hugged her back just as strongly.

"I miss you too, my love. How have you guys been without me?" The grin on all of their faces was so prominent. He went to his section of the room to get ready. Lia followed him while most of the girls went back to doing makeup.

"The girls have been good, but solar hasn't been back in a while. She's not picking up anyone's call. Last I heard her boyfriend broke up with her for some dude." Hongjoong now was confused. Solar was one of the best dancers for this club and was loved by everyone. She would at least text.

"Hmm, when was the last time she danced?" The smaller male asked. Lia went to sit down on the desk in front of him, while Hongjoong started his makeup.

"Like a week and a half ago, I can't really remember." Lia started playing with her hair as she put her head down.

"Oh, I'll see what I can find out about it." Hongjoong was actually kinda sad. He wanted to hang out with his girls.

"GUUUYS!" One of the other girls came into the small cramped room. "The guy I was talking about is here today!" She fell onto the floor with excitement.

"YA!" Lia began to yell and scolded her. "Get off the floor." Lia hopped off the desk and helped her up. The girl looked scared. She didn't want to be in trouble. "Soooo SHOW MEEEE!" If there was one thing about Lia, is that she is a big simp. Both girls then ran out along with everyone else. Hongjoong just laughed and kept replaying what had happened earlier.

Hongjoong pulled out his phone. He didn't get a text yet from Wooyoung or San. He really hoped he didn't mess up their relationship. He decided to call again.

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