Hard Times

198 11 15

Jongho was going over the plan to catch Seonghwa red handed.

"But do we really have to be a part of this? Drugs are a big deal." Wooyoung whispered out. He was scared to anger the powerful man.

"Well, you killed a man. You were already involved. Same thing with San, helping cover a murder is a pretty big deal." Both men stared at Jongho. Him pointing out the facts so casually was terrifying.

"On the other hand, I mostly need Hongjoong to agree, Since Seonghwa is after you." The smaller looked up when he heard his name. Although Jongho's last thought was to have Hongjoong a target, it ended up that way.

"Do you think that's a good idea? Just like you said, He's after Joong. Who knows what he'll do." San spoke up. He was worried about his friend. He also was with Hongjoong when he had his panic attacks about Seonghwa, he knew this would end badly.

"I get it, I don't wanna do this as much as you, but if we can distract the parks from knowing that one of their people are dead, it will help a lot. " Jongho explained. San hesitantly nodded. Jongho knew more about this world than anyone else here did. Now it was up to Hongjoong to agree. They patiently waited for the smaller male to say something. He seemed to be distracted with the papers in his hand. He was re-reading the same messages.

"Do you really think that Mingi is a part of this? Today we just broke up on good terms." Hongjoong was in denial, he was with Mingi and the taller didn't seem like that type of person.

"The proof is in your hands Joong. I also thought he was a friend." Jongho sighed. Today was getting longer and longer.

"Mingi told me to stay away from Seonghwa, so maybe Seonghwa is making him do this." This whole thing was fucking crazy. Both guys he's ever liked have lied to him. He didn't know what to choose.

"Maybe Joong." Wooyoung replied. Wooyoung stayed silent most of the time, he was getting these mood swings, but it was understandable. San rubbed his back while Wooyoung had his head on Sans' chest.

"I'll think about it." Hongjoong needed to get out of the small room. The boy's head was spinning. Nothing could have prepared him for this information. It was bazar all in itself. The male just needed time to think. He calmed himself down and went down the stairs. The alcohol in the bar looked so good at the moment. But instead he sat at one of the booths and put his head down.

A headache was beginning to form. After a couple of minutes, the rest of the small group made their way to Hongjoong.

"Why don't you come to my house? I think it's better than staying alone right now." San said and went up to the boy. Hongjoong still had his head down. He didn't really feel like talking.

"Come ooon. I'm going to, it's not only gonna be you alone. Let us get this whole thing off our minds." Wooyoung tried to stay positive and lighten up the mood. A sense of relief flooded his body after realizing he's gonna be okay. San was right by his side, he knew he was safe.

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