Silent deal

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Hongjoong was walking into the school and of course people kept talking all kinds of shit about him. Like they don't have something better to do. The boy just rolled his eyes and kept walking.

San and Wooyoung came out of nowhere and both looked at him. They looked stressed.

"Umm...what.." He was very confused. Was there something on my face?. Why are they looking at me like that? What happened?

"Are you guys okay" Hongjoong asked both of them.

San was the first one to say "there is a rumor going around...". San put his hand on his neck and looked at the floor.

"What is it?"

They both were about to say something, but someone came down the hall not looking too happy.

"KIM HONGJOONG!" of course it's none other than park Seonghwa. He looks very mad like he wanted to hurt the black haired boy. He was walking up to him down the hall and it caught the other student's attention.

"Y-yes" damn it you weren't supposed to stutter. he mentally slapped himself.

"Why did Jisoo tell me that you said we were dating!?" he yelled so loud everyone could hear.

Hongjoong froze right where he was. What does he mean? Then panic started to creep on the inside. No no no I can't lose him.

Please please.

Am I so unlovable?

Who's gonna call me beautiful and pretty.

Who's gonna be the person to make me feel like I belong in this world.

Hongjoong was planning on telling him the truth, that he didn't, but he Cut him off before he had a chance.

"You Piece of shit, do you really think I would date something like you? HUH?" He looked at him with a glare. The boy wanted to cry.

"Seongh-" he cut him off again but what he said next really made him mad.

"You fat fuck, are you trying to ruin my image?" San and Wooyoung were just watching the whole ordeal, also very mad. But all they could do was watch. Shocked by the fact that this is happening right now.

"What do you mean by that?" You could hear how heartbroken the boy was as it was like a whisper. Then he looked up at him with his glossy eyes. He couldn't help himself but almost cry.

"It means the whole time I was using you. You don't mean anything to me. All you were was a fat ugly nerd that I made do my shit" Seonghwa smirked as his intense stare was making the boy that fell for him shiver.

"You asshole, you didn't even listen to me and let me explain myself to you but I don't need to do that anyway!!. Now I know your true intentions." Hongjoong finally let the tears run down his face.

"Whatever, just don't be around me anymore. Do something better like trying to lose weight instead of making rumors about something like us ever happening" seonghwa started to walk away after that, with his group of friends trailing him.

All the boy could hear were the people laughing and whispering.

"Finally that nerd can leave my Seonghwa alone"

"I knew he was desperate"

"Seonghwa is so sexy"

Hongjoong was mad, like super mad so he did something he didn't think he would stay true too.

"PARK SEONGHWA!" He yelled to get his attention.

He turned around and had a bored expression "yes?" he rolled his eyes while looking at the boy breaking down.

"You will regret all the shit you did to me. I will ruin you, you just wait and see. I HATE YOU!" he was yelling with tears on my face.. But that made everyone stay quiet. The people were questioning if Hongjoong really had the guts to say something like that to Seonghwa.

"I would like to see you try" the gray haired faked a smile then turned serious.

Then like that he walked away like nothing happened. Like he didn't just break hongjoongs heart. That he didn't make him want to die right here right now.

Hongjoong could see Jisoo at the end of the hallway smirking at him and she flipped her hair and walked off.

"Hongjoon-" Wooyoung tried calling me but I just ran out of school and walked home.

I'll show him. he smirked

You messed with the wrong person Park Seonghwa.

Retribution~SeongJoongWhere stories live. Discover now