Goes On

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Hongjoong was overthinking as he was going to the rest of his classes. Can he really do a whole day with Seonghwa?

After the long day, he met up with Wooyoung and San. He told them that he talked to Seonghwa and was meeting up tonight. They were offering to watch over him, but Hongjoong didn't think it was necessary. If Seonghwa wanted to hurt him even more, the smaller would have been already.

As the hours passed by, the closer he was until he was alone with the dangerous man. Finally, it then hit the dreadful time of meeting up with Seonghwa. Hongjoong was nervous, but you couldn't blame him.

He was about to join the older outside of his apartment. He had trouble picking out an outfit, luckily he had his best friends with him. It was a disaster.

Wooyoung was now telling Hongjoong not to go, even though he was the one to push the whole thing. San was watching how his best friend was on his knees begging the smaller that he was wrong. Then Hongjoong himself was ignoring the man on the ground.

If Wooyoung were to have begged him in the morning, then he would happily not go. But it turned out that Hongjoong had a plan. He would make Seonghwa regret everything, that simple. But was it really? Seonghwa had some sort of control over him. He was like a magnet, can't get rid of the other.

His brain was set on making sure the older was gonna feel pain. The thought of it made him excited. Breaking his heart was gonna be something empowering, satisfying even.

He turned towards the door and slammed it. Wooyoung was held back by San and was screaming curses.

Anxiety coursed through him as he made his way to that expensive car. He opened the door to find white Lilies being handed to him. He looked up at the man holding them-and wow, Seonghwa looked amazing. His pure white hair parted so that his forehead was showing. His sharp eyes were stuck on Hongjoong, with a breathtaking smile.

He could feel his heart race at the sight of it all. It wasn't until Seonghwa spoke, that he snapped out of it. The shorter took the pretty flowers and sat down.

"Sorry, what did you say?" Hongjoong asked. He avoided the heartbreaker's eyes.

"I asked if you were alright." Hongjoong looked over. He cares now. Hongjoong rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, never better." He put his seatbelt on. It suddenly got awkward. The small area gained thick tension.

Seonghwa stared at the smaller, meanwhile Hongjoong opened the window so he could breathe. That ended up being a bad idea because you could hear Wooyoung yelling out the window of Hongjoong's apartment.

The shorter quickly closed the window again and slowly looked at Seonghwa. The man acted like he didn't hear the loud mouth and continued to stare. It was so awkward so Hongjoong looked at the music playing and turned up the volume.

"Where are we going?" Hongjoong innocently asked. He fluttered his eyelashes towards the heartbreaker.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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