Too Much

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If you told Hongjoong that he would be sitting in front of Park Seonghwa after all the shit that man put him through, he would laugh in your face.

Yet it's happening right now and the small male had no idea what to even say. He stared and just kept staring. While the boy in front was just dying to know what his sweet voice would sound like.

So Hongjoong did the only thing he could think about right then and there.With Seonghwa's eyes not leaving his frame he got up and ran out of there. With wooyoung's and san's voices echoing in the back of his head.

He suddenly felt dizzy. Throwing up is all that Hongjoong could think about. He ran into the nearest bathroom and once he was on his knees ready to hurl, nothing came out.

The brown haired didn't eat anything all day. All at once he couldn't breathe. With a hand on his chest, his heart was beating so fast he didn't know what to do. The boy was having a panic attack.

Tears strolled down his face as he put a hand over his mouth to keep the cry's at bay. The sound of a door opening could be heard.

"Hongjoong!" San ran to him in the stall bathroom. "Hey hey" San took his face into his hands. "S-san, what is h-happeni-?" Words were cut off by a broken sob that ripped through his body.

"You're okay, it's okay, you're having a panic attack. It's totally normal. Just listen to my voice and focus on breathing." San had a gentle smile on his face. He held Hongjoong close to his chest as he heard the small male trying to breathe in and out.

"W-where is W-wooyoung? The brown haired boy said, barely managing to get it out.

"He was sent to the office with that girl." San told him while running his hand through his hair to calm him. "But let's not worry about it too much, I'm more concerned about you Hongjoong." The small male in his arms was shaking. "Please tell me what you're thinking, don't hold it in. I'm always here for you, remember that." San was so delicate with him that he felt safe. He didn't want to bother anyone so he put his feelings aside.

"I'm fine, just thought I could face him is all." hongjoong made the tears on his face disappear with a swipe of his sleeve.

"Are you really sure that that's it?" He wanted to know if he really was okay. "Yes san, that's all." Hongjoong parted from him and stood up to look at himself in the mirror. The boy's eyes were puffy from crying so much. He grabbed a tissue and softly padded around his eyes.

San was behind him not feeling convinced about hongjoong being okay. "For now I will just avoid him till I know I'm ready." The small male told more himself then San. All day he had been in his head. There was way too much going on for his first day back.

This school is literally so fucked up.

"Was this school always like this? Hongjoong asked the male watching him with a laugh. San started to smile knowing his friend was doing better already.

"Honestly, it got more fucked up when you left I guess. When you were gone people still kept talking about you and Seonghwa, even when he made it clear how cruel his intentions really were. It's like he runs the school, that's why he doesn't get in trouble." San went on a rant.

Hongjoong cut him off. "Was he the kid that got into a fight this morning?" He asked with a look of disbelief. "Yeah actually, wooyoung told me you were together. How come you didn't see?" The questioning gaze on Hongjoong's face comes to a conclusion. "Wooyoung didn't want me to see Seonghwa." San motioned the boy to get out of the bathroom when the bell rang.

"But that's not the only thing I saw today" The small male told San, "I think Seonghwa's sleeping with our teacher." San watched Hongjoong and when the boy's face didn't show any sign of a lie he bursted out laughing. "Your fucking joking right." The blonde was in shock. "Damn, I know he was the typical bad boy but literally what the hell." He shook his head back and forth.

"Honestly I think I'm going to go home early today, it's been too much, can you tell wooyoung to send me what I need to know for classes." Hongjoong asked San. He needed to get out of there fast before he runs into him again.

"You sure you're okay to be by yourself right now?" The worried glance that was sent his way was getting suspicious.

"I'll be fine" Hongjoong was in fact still not fine.

"I'm off." The small male gave a hug to the blonde and walked out of school. He needed a distraction. He knew just the person to call.

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