A Saver

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"Jongho can I please come over? It's an emergency." The desperate voice on the phone begged.

"Hongjoong, I told you that I'm done dealing with you." The sigh that Jongho let out was frustrated.

"This is the last time. I promise, I just need a little distraction right now. Please Jongho." The small male was feeling hopeless at the moment.

"I have a little bit of time. Why don't you just come over to the club and talk to me?" The boy on the phone told him. You can hear the shuffling on the other side.

"Alright I'm headed there now." The brown haired knew it was way too far so he requested a lift after hanging up the phone.

As Hongjoong got out of the car he stood in front of the place that changed a lot in his life. He walked inside to find security everywhere. The main guard nodded to him and let him go to Jongho.

The club wasn't as packed since it was way too early. Only two people were drinking. At night is when Jongho lets out his dancers and the mini dance floor. As he moves across the bar he is led to a hallway, Going up the stairs he remembers all too well. Knocking first he heard a small 'come in'. He goes in to see Jongho on the phone walking around the office. As the man is on the phone he gives a signal to Hongjoong telling him to wait.

"Yeah but you said you would have the shipment by this week, I don't have time for your bullshit!" The red haired male yelled over the phone. He was clearly annoyed with someone.

Hongjoong just sat down on one of the chairs. This place used to creep him out. But as time went on he got comfortable with it. It had barely any light inside. Only some L.E.D lights on the roof line. A small desk in the middle with two chairs in front and one behind the desk. Jongho didn't bother to decorate since he rarely does business anymore. "Okay so you're telling me what? That I have to wait because of an accident? Why didn't you say anything sooner or are you just that fucking stupid? The poor guy on the other side of the phone barely got to speak.

"No, we are settling this today, do you understand me?" Jongho's eyes were sharp and precise. He definitely knew what he was doing.

Eventually, he hung up the phone. The redhead sat in his seat and just rested his eyes.

"So, what was that all about?" Hongjoong couldn't help but be nosy. He leaned in, getting closer and had his hands on the desk in front of him. The smile on his face was sly. Jongho looked up and just smiled. He couldn't really resist the small boy's charms.

"Nice try but I ain't telling you." He ruffled Hongjoongs hair and laughed when the boy sulked. "But whhhy? You used to tell me everything." He pouted.

"Things changed Hongjoong. It's better to keep you safe. Especially since you returned to school." Jongho suddenly got serious. "How was the first day back, although by our phone call it didn't go so well." The red haired got up and sat next to Hongjoong. Jongho took his hand and studied him.

"Can you stop watching me like a hawk? I swear I'm fine, I just need a little something." He pulled his hand back and rolled his eyes. His sass was really something.

Retribution~SeongJoongWhere stories live. Discover now