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So wooyoung wouldn't stop mocking Hongjoong because of earlier.

"Continue" wooyoung mocked with his best impression of him.

The brown haired just rolled his eyes and continued to make his way to the cafeteria.

He was honestly surprised that no one had noticed him yet. Sure he looks the same. Well of course there's one very big difference. Oh well not like he wants to be remembered.

He shivered.

Being bullied really changes a person huh. He laughed to himself. When the boy turned his head all he saw was wooyoung facing him and he seemed like he was about to laugh.

"You've gotten weirder since last time." Wooyoung laughed. "It's cute though." He goes up to him and grabs his cheeks and basically almost ripped hongjoongs face off. Luckily San came to his rescue and wrapped his arm around the purple haired.

"Thank you san, I owe you." laughing hard when the look of betrayal was on wooyoung's face. "Doesn't mean I don't love you."

"Meany, San let's go. He doesn't appreciate my wonderful presence and great personality" he pouted and started to drag San with him.

Hongjoong just smiled. Sure wooyoung you had to suffer with San, looks the other way around. But San doesn't seem to mind one bit.

While both of his friends were at the end of the hall already, he had realized that he left his phone in the class. He literally face palmed. Like how could he forget his precious baby.

When Hongjoong was walking he felt dizzy all of a sudden. While holding his head he stopped in his tracks. They boy breathed in and out. Once he felt better he straightened his back and continued to walk to get the phone he somehow forgot. The male was used to this feeling.

Finally getting to the classroom he could see the teacher talking to someone. Right when he lifted his hand and was about to knock on the door he heard the student shout at the teacher. The boy couldn't tell what they were really saying. Curse these damn doors. Yes, I'm nosy. He couldn't really see the students face either.

All of a sudden the teacher pulled the student into a kiss. The brown haired man was shocked. Then the student pushed the teacher away and was very mad. Hongjoong knew he needed to hide because they could see him if either one of them opened the door. That would be weird and creepy if they caught me, he thought.

Why on my first day back to school I gotta get myself into stuff? he whined. All he wants is his phone.

Hongjoong hid in the nearest classroom. Once the door closed from the other classroom the boy waited for 3 minutes and then got out of his hiding spot.

He kinda wanted to know who the kid was but he was not going to risk getting in trouble.

At least not now.

Hongjoong got into the classroom without knocking. All I saw was the teacher crying on her chair with her head down .

"I need to get my phone" hongjoong smiled awkwardly and walked up to the desk and grabbed the phone while the teacher really didn't care.

He left the room and started to go to the cafeteria. All this for my damn phone. Ugh.

"Who is that?"

"He's so handsome"

"No, back off this one's mine"

"Didn't know we had a new student"

He was just confused, did nobody remember him?

The boy went up to wooyoung and san. "Do people really not know who I am?" he asked them as he sat down.

"Well I guess they don't but imagine when they found out. Wooyoung was laughing. "I need to see their reaction to it." Wooyoung was beaming with the thought of people not knowing Hongjoong.

Maybe hongjoong could use this to his advantage.

"Yeah me too." he smiled.

"Joongie are you going to eat?" Wooyoung asked him. "No, I'm not hungry right now." he replied, looking at my phone to turn it on.

"Okay if you say so" he continued to eat while san was staring at him with heart eyes. It's surprising wooyoung doesn't see it.

He wanted to ask them if they knew anything about the teacher and student but he honestly doubted it. Maybe he should ask about this morning with the kid.

"Wooyoung, what happened this morni-" Once again he gets cut off, but this time it's the doors slamming open and there he is...

Park SeongHwa, with the bitch jisoo by his side. He had an arm around her waist as they made their way to the table. Everyone tries to sit there apparently because of the rush of kids trying to follow them and Mingi is still his best friend. Once they got to the table all of them were next to each other with jisoo on Seonghwas lap.

He looked the same except for his hair. It was pure snow white and matched his face so well. Damn he's still fine as ever.

To bad

Hongjoong made a promise to him.

I will ruin you, Park Seonghwa. He smirked again and started talking to his friends.

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