
285 18 4

TW: Sexual Assault 

"Mingi huh?" Jongho asked the boy when they saw the lift approaching.

"That is another problem itself. I thought I blocked the number?" Hongjoong was actually confused but he didn't want to think about him too much. "Why are you coming with me?" They both got into the lift while the read haired boy was scrolling on his phone trying to find something.

"Damn it, one of my dancers canceled for tonight." He put his phone back in his pocket and looked to Hongjoong. "I mean I could work for you again." With a smug look on his face he leaned in and raised his eyebrows up and down.

"No, I already told you." He pushed the small male's face out of his. "I promise I don't expect anything in return. Maybe I'm doing this for me. It's been awhile and I wanna feel confident again." He pouted to the powerful man. "Pleaseee." Hongjoong begged.

Jongho really needed medical attention because he was gonna faint with how beautiful the man in front of him looked. Hongjoongs bright smile is so hard to say no to. He was literally perfection at its finest. With all that in mind he nodded his head without thinking.

"YES!" The excited voice of the brown haired put on made it so worth it. "But don't make me regret it. It's only gonna be this one time. I still want you to keep a low profile." He pointed his finger at the small male to give warning. As that was happening they both made it to Hongjoongs apartment.

"Thank you jongho, both for bringing me home and giving me a chance." The brown haired gave Jongho a kiss on the cheek and left the car with a smile over his face.

"Remember it's at 9:30pm." Jongho shouted through the car window. He could see Hongjoong give a thumbs up as he made his way inside the apartment.

As Hongjoong got into his building he used the almost broken elevator up to the 5th floor. It was a pretty run down place but it meant a lot to the small boy. When he got inside he put his keys away and ran into his bedroom and jumped on the bed.

"A nap is needed." All Hongjoong could hear back was the echo of his voice. It got lonely but later he knows he will feel alive again. With that though in mind he fell asleep.

By the time Hongjoong woke up it was 7:14pm and he got to work. He went through his clothes but he wanted something newish. The only person that came to mind was wooyoung. His choice of clothes fit Hongjoongs criteria.

Jongho told him to tell his friends anyway. So a phone call was made.

"Wooyoung answer." The phone kept ringing and then the small boy heard his best friend.

"What do you want?"

"I need some of your whore clothes now"

"Okay but what the hell for? Also I'm kinda busy right now." Hongjoong heard someone in the back.

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