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Time past by and every day Hongjoong has been falling for the handsome boy. The sweet words he says to his wonderful smile. Seonghwa had it all.

It's been 2 months since the first encounter they had. His Perspective of him changed. He was nice and kind and hot as hell.

"Hongjoong you there?" the class president shook his head and realize he was daydreaming.

"What did you say hwa?" the black haired boy asked, but also admired his features.

Seonghwa has let Hongjoong call him a nickname. No one called him that except for Hongjoong. "Did you do the homework from last night, I forgot to do it and I was wondering if you know, you could let me copy." Seonghwa had a forced smile on his face. But Hongjoong didn't notice.

It wasn't a rare thing for Seonghwa to ask that. Almost everyday he asked Hongjoong for test answers, and homework. But Hongjoong was to blind by the beautiful smile to even put two and two together.

"Ahh okay I have it in my backpack. I'll get it hold on" Hongjoong grabbed his backpack and took the paper out and handed it to Seonghwa.

"Thank you Joong, also you look very beautiful today" that made hongjoong turn red so he looked away while Seonghwa copied the answers. But Seonghwa didn't forget to roll his eyes before that.

This dude is so dumb and it's crazy he is smart.

As the class was over hongjoong wanted to hang out with Seonghwa for lunch. Even though Wooyoung and San said they don't like him around. Hongjoong didn't really care.

Before he could ask Seonghwa, one of the other popular kids had asked him. His name was Song Mingi, one of the most loved people in the school along with Seonghwa.

Mingi and him walked out with hongjoong trailing behind. They walked down the halls and all the girls and guys were checking them out. But when someone's eyes seen hongjoong walking behind them they started to gossip and they didn't care if he heard.

Why is he following them?

Is he that desperate?

Does he think he has a chance?

How could Seonghwa be around someone that ugly, it's pretty sad

The fat ones always think they have a chance

Hongjoong wanted to cry, to yell at them but he couldn't help himself and believed every single word. He was ugly and fat. He hurt on the inside. But nobody seemed to care. The struggle he has to face and deal with everyday is only on him.

All he wanted was to feel like he mattered, even to anyone. Right now Seonghwa is making him feel special. That's something he hasn't felt in a long time. Sure Hongjoong had wooyoung and san, but they usually stuck together. Now he can have someone by his side, Seonghwa, the only person that seems interested in him.

He got Interrupted from his thoughts by his one and only best friend, wooyoung.

"Hey hongjoong you alright,you look kinda out of it" wooyoung looked worried. When Hongjoong didn't answer and just looked at him, Wooyoung just smiled when they made eye contact which in return hongjoong smiled too. Don't show them your feelings Hongjoong.

"Let's go get some food, I've been starving all day" Wooyoung complained and started to walk in the now empty hallway with hongjoong following him., I hope they have something healthy. If not then I guess I won't be eating again.They made it to the cafeteria and saw San at the table on his phone trying to beat some level of his game.

Wooyoung thought it was a good idea to try and scare him. "Boo" Wooyoung basically tackled him in a hug. Which San didn't even react to.

"Aw come on, why weren't you scared?" Wooyoung pouted and had his arms crossed while sitting down next to San. San thought that was the cutest thing he has ever seen. He smiled and gave him a hug. "Well cuz it didn't scare me you big baby" he grabs his cheeks with one hand and moves his head side to side. "That hurts you know" wooyoung took sans hand off him and looked away trying not to blush.

Meanwhile Hongjoong is just sitting in front of them looking at Seonghwa, The man he so helplessly fell for. He was talking to Mingi and a few other people that were siting at the table.

Seonghwa could feel eyes on him and looked Hongjoongs' way. He smiled and gave him a little wink. That made Hongjoong a mess and he looked away.

Park Seonghwa, what are you doing to me?

But hongjoong didn't notice that someone was looking not too happy with the Interaction they both shared.

Retribution~SeongJoongWhere stories live. Discover now