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It was getting late and San and Wooyoung left an hour ago. Wooyoung said something about his tiny cuts hurting, whatever that meant. Hongjoong was doing his very best at ignoring both males at the bar.

The smaller went to one of the rooms upstairs. He just wanted to be alone.

A knock was heard across the room.

"Come in." Hongjoong yelled out.

Mingi walked inside. Hongjoong tensed. He wasn't expecting him at all.

"It's been a while." Mingi chuckled out. He walked towards him and sat down on the bed. It was awkward for a while.

"What are you doing here?" Hongjoong's voice cracked. A lot of emotions were hitting him all at once.

"I needed to see you again. Hongjoong, I miss you. Can we talk about us, please." Mingi was desperate for some sort of answer. Hongjoong didn't know what to do but tears were threatening to come down.

Mingi sighed. He put his hand on Hongjoong's thigh.

"Mingi, you're the one who broke up with me. Now you wanna come back? It's been months." He cried out. He stood up and started walking, not wanting to deal with him. but Mingi took his hand and turned him around.

Now they were both face to face with Hongjoong looking up at the taller. Mingi put his hand on the smallest face.

"I was stupid, I was scared. Now I know what I want. It's always been you." Mingi wiped the tears. Then brought him in for a hug.

"Mingi, please just stop this." He tried to pull away but Mingi wasn't giving up so quickly.

"Is this about Seonghwa? Did you really fall for him again? It's been a day Hongjoong." The taller isn't one to get angry but it's bothering him that Hongjoong is just throwing away their love.

"It's not about him. I'm just upset that you think you can come back into my life like nothing. You broke up with me. I thought I finally found someone who loves me. You only love your reputation." Hongjoong pushed him back. They were just staring at each other for a while.

"I don't care anymore. Let's not hide. I want to be with you. Please let me prove myself to you." He grabbed the smallers hands.

Hongjoong was genuinely considering Mingis words. He did love him, of course he did. But being with him is different. He's Seonghwa's best friend. And if Seonghwa found out about who he was, along with all the flirting recently. He's screwed and scared.

"Let me think about it." It would be so much easier to accept. Hongjoong knows he doesn't have to deal with anyone. Getting revenge on Seonghwa could be thrown out of the window. He could start fresh with Mingi. No mixed feelings.

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