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It was a hard weekend for all of them. San and Wooyoung had to deal with the small males' complaints about the littlest things. Turns out that Hongjoong didn't take the whole thing well. He was drinking, which led to him being hungover.

It was a routine, until it was monday again. Both boy's got up and were ready. Hongjoong was making every excuse in the book to not go to school. He didn't want to see Mingi or Seonghwa. But his education was going to shit. Before he used to be a straight A student. But getting mixed up with the killing and the problematic best friends, it ruined his flow.

Eventually San and Wooyoung convinced him to get up and get ready. Sans driver was bringing them to school today. Hongjoong laid down in the backseat and didn't care that his whole body was on top of the other two. He was knocked out until he heard a vulture; Wooyoung waking him up.

"Five more minutes." Hongjoong mumbled out.

"Joong, get your ass up now." Wooyoung pushed him on the floor of the car and got out. San not too far behind, followed. Hongjoong didn't dare move. Maybe if he couldn't move no one would see him and force him out. Too bad he was stuck with the driver who was very impatient.

"Leave." His deep voice spooked Hongjoong so he ran out of the car.

He realized that his besties left him alone. What if he runs into Mingi or Seonghwa? Now he really woke up. He was looking around his surroundings every second. Walking into school was so nerve racking.

Hongjoong slowly went up to his locker to get his books. His first class was with Mingi, it's really inevitable to not run into him. He sighed and banged his head on the locker.

"Hey Princess." Goosebumps were littered all over his body. He didn't dare look up. The smaller turned his head to the other side and ran. Now he would have to go the long way to class. This morning was not going well.

When he knew he was far away, he paused in the hall and caught his breath. He felt like passing out. Maybe he should skip the first class only? He could avoid Mingi. It was the perfect plan.

Insead of getting to class, Hongjoong went to the bathroom on the second floor. He waited, bored out of his mind, but it was better than being in the same class as Mingi. His friends texted him, asking the obvious. But wooyoung texted him.

"Bitch, where tf r u?"

"Sitting in the bathroom :D"

"Get out, come to class. Mingi isn't here."


"Yeah, now get tf over here."

"Boooo, you whore."


"Fuck you."


"Ughhhhh, I'm coming."

Retribution~SeongJoongWhere stories live. Discover now