Another Heartbreak

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When he looked up Mingi kept giving glances to Hongjoong. Why? Let's just say the past really should stay there.

"Hello? Earth to Hongjoong." wooyoung shouted in his face.

"Eh? What?" The brown haired asked.

"You keep staring at the one who shall not be named' table." Wooyoung told Hongjoong with air quotes.

"Ahh, well you know, I'm just curious is all." The boy had his lunch on the table just staring and stabbing at it. He wanted to know if Seonghwa even remembers all the shit he did to him. Did he live his life perfectly fine knowing that he had ruined Hongjoong? And in so many ways.

Did Mingi say anything to Seonghwa? He thought.

"What's wrong with you Mingi?" Seonghwa's voice boomed through the whole cafeteria so that everyone heard. He seemed upset and annoyed at the red haired boy. "You've been acting all weird today, it's pissing me off." Everyone was quiet listening to him shout insults at Mingi.

"Maybe I don't want to deal with your bullshit anymore." The taller one said and got up and walked out of there. Seonghwa just rolled his eyes and looked back at jisoo, kissing up her neck like they weren't in public.

Hongjoong was so disgusted he looked back down at his food that was smashed due to his stabbing at it.

"Hey cutie." The brown haired boy looked up to see a girl with short black length hair. She was tall and pretty with nice dimples when she smiled. "Are you talking to me?" Hongjoong was so confused, why would a girl think he's cute?

"Yes, who else is cute at this table other than you new boy." She winked Hongjoongs way and put her hand on his shoulder. Her face was really close to his. She was inviting his personal space too much.

"Uhhh." He was literally speechless, last time someone hit on him it didn't really work out. Plus this girl was not his type.

Hongjoong was puzzled but Wooyoung thankfully came to the rescue. "Ya, he doesn't want you, so back off." The male told her off while she stood there becoming confused. "And who are you?" She crossed her arms and looked him up and down with a judging face. "Clearly not much. You jealous because you're not the one getting hit on." She laughed with her high pitched screech.

"Jung Wooyoung is the name honey. Remember it. Also I'm not interested in ugly bitches with whore personalities. Sorry boo." He smirked and stood up, grabbed his unfinished milk and poured it on her head. Wooyoung then started to laugh his ass off.

San and Hongjoong put a hand over their mouths because of the unexpected act. Both eyes widened.

What the purple haired did made everyone look at their table. Including Seonghwa's table.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!" She was about to grab and slap wooyoung but San got up and held her hand and pushed her on the floor.

"Watch yourself." San growled out. He was so heated that she even tried to touch wooyoung. She then began to sob uncontrollably. Hongjoong could hear people laughing.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!" Everyone laughed even more at her sensitive state. "AND ALL OF YOU STOP LAUGHING AT ME. CAN'T YOU SEE THEY BOTH JUST ATTACKED ME!" She screamed hoping to convince the people to be on her side.

"You did this to yourself sweetheart." The purple haired snickered.

Seonghwa got up from his table, the silence was filled with tension when others caught on to where Seonghwa stood. He walked over to the crying mess on the floor. "Love." he told her with his hand sticking out as a sign to help her up. She gladly took his hand immediately thinking he would protect her. He pulled her up and could smell the milk that was dripping from her head to the floor. He leaned in next to her ear, she could feel Seonghwas lips against the shell of her ear and he whispered "Your being loud bitch, no one wants someone who can't mind their manners. Now get out of my face before I really give you something to cry about." He let go of her hand.

The victory from her eyes fell after hearing what Seonghwa had told her. On the other side of the cafeteria Jisoo didn't look too happy with the interaction but from the look on that girl's face she could see that the white haired wasn't too nice.

San and Wooyoung just stared at Seonghwa, upset that he would even step foot near them, especially Hongjoong. Wooyoung just wanted to keep his friend safe from that weird perverted girl who couldn't keep her hands to herself. Yet here he was with the biggest threat of all.

The snapping of fingers got Hongjoong to get out of his trance. His gaze landed on the guy who broke his heart and who haunts him to this day. The ice cold of his voice was so deep, just like it was one year ago. Up close you can see how much his face had matured.

"I could see from where I was that she made you uncomfortable." The boy said to Hongjoong.

 "I'm Park Seonghwa. You must be new since I've never seen you around. And your name is?" He focused his eyes on the most beautiful boy he had ever seen, waiting for a response with his dashing smile.

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