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Everything happened so fast.

Hongjoong was staring blankly at what Wooyoung and San just told him. He really couldn't believe it.

"This year is not looking up." Hongjoong was massaging his temples because he was stressed.

"Hongjoong, you know that I wouldn't purposely kill someone, right?" Wooyoung was trying not to cry, but this whole situation was stressful. He just wanted the smaller to understand that he had no choice.

"I get it Woo, I do. He did something terrible. Just, I don't know, what did you do with the body?" They left school after finding out about this. They eventually joined up in San's kitchen, since Wooyoung didn't want to go back to his apartment.

"Hid it of course. I don't know how to hide a fucking dead body Joong." Wooyoung looked at the male like he was the crazy one.

"I- I know someone Woo, maybe he can help you." Hongjoong was freaked out inside, but willing to help. For some reason his tone of voice was calming.

"Wait really? Is it really possible to just leave all of this behind us?" Wooyoung began to feel hope. This really could work out. San was worried still, shit, anything can happen. Like what if they find JB's phone or someone reports him missing and Wooyoung becomes a suspect.

"Jongho, the guy who runs the club we went to last week. He has connections to this kinda stuff. But I really don't know if he'll agree to this." Hongjoong was genuinely scared to bring this up to Jongho. But on the other hand he didn't want anything to happen to Wooyoung.

"I'll talk to him later today. But, I really can't promise you anything Woo. Killing someone is fucking crazy. I understand the situation though." He sighed. A lot of things keep blowing up in his face. Trying to hide a dead body was absolutely insane. He felt like throwing up.

"Even if this whole thing ends up not working out, it's okay. Maybe I should just tell the truth?" Wooyoung said.

"No." San spoke up. He will not let Wooyoung take blame for this. San's face was strict. Looking at Wooyoung with his sharp gaze.

San grabbed wooyoung's hand and squeezed. They communicated with their eyes.

"San, I don't think I can live with this guilt." Wooyoung started crying. San hugged him close. Wooyoung's hair tickled his chin and his head was resting on San's chest.

A phone started to ring.

It was coming from Wooyoung's backpack.

"Did you put his fucking phone in your backpack?" Hongjoong was dumbfounded. Wooyoung just froze and looked at San.

San reached for the backpack and pulled out JB's phone. For some reason it was still charged. That means someone could track the phone if it came down to that. Everyone was panicking.

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