Truth Untold

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The kiss.

Hongjoong felt those lips for the first time and everything felt wrong and right. There was so much passion in the kiss. Seonghwa pressed into the smaller, melting with the lips he was dying to kiss.

Half way through, Hongjoong realized that this was wrong. Seonghwa didn't deserve forgiveness, so he pushed the white haired back.

"Princ-" Seonghwa began.


"I don't understand." Seonghwa huffed out, breathless from their kiss.

"You won't control me anymore. I'm not yours and I'll never be. The kiss was a weak moment." He collapsed a little. Hongjoong was shaking. The man in front looked so unbothered.

"But you are mine." Seonghwa tilted his head to the side. He reached his hand out to Hongjoong who slapped it away.

"I'm not. That kiss means nothing to me and neither do you!" It was all true. Seonghwa didn't deserve him. He lied to him, broke him even. The urge to kiss him came from the Hongjoong who wished he could have been his a long time ago. The new Hongjoong knew that this whole thing was messed up.

"That's okay, I'll wait for you." Seonghwa smiled.

The smaller didn't know what to say. Does Seonghwa feel anything?

"I'm going to look for Mingi, bye." For some reason the white haired didn't follow him. The shorter made his way back to the arcade and found the boy walking around with his phone in his hand. Hongjoong made his way to the taller.

Mingi looked up to see him and was immediately relieved. He ran up to the smaller.

"Where were you! I've been calling you!" Distress was written all over his face.

"Sorry I just wanted air." He hugged the taller. No way Mingi would cheat on him. Seonghwa was a manipulative bitch, who was trying to get into his head.

"Are you okay?" He was concerned for Hongjoong.

"Yeah I'm okay." He avoided making eye contact because of the guilt. The taller nodded also looking away.

"I was thinking we should-" Mingi was cut off when he bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry-y." The man apologized. When Mingi saw who it was he froze, but so did the boy. They stared at each other for a while.

"It's fine." The taller said and grabbed Hongjoong's hand and walked away. The shorter male looked between the man he bumped into and Mingi. It was weird.

"So like I was saying, let's go get some food." A toothy grin came from Mingi.

Retribution~SeongJoongWhere stories live. Discover now