New beginnings

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1 year later

Wooyoung and San were still going strong in their friendship as wooyoung says. San hates when he uses that word.

"Sannie today hongjoong is coming back, I'm so excited I could cry" wooyoung was faking tears and pouting.

San rolled his eyes "stop being dramatic" he slapped the back of his head.

Hongjoong has been gone for a year now. He texted wooyoung and San that he's putting himself back together. But they didn't know what he meant by it.

"SAN HE TEXTED ME AND SAID HE'S HERE OMG DONT PANIC ITS BEEN SO LONG SINCE I'VE SEEN HIM" Wooyoung screeched. San covering his ears nodded and smiled. How could I fall for someone like this, oh wait it's wooyoung who wouldn't.

They both ran over to the front of the school to see if hongjoong was there. Their eyes widened Yes hongjoong was there but looked VERY different. He had a gray turtleneck with light blue rip jean pants and white shoes. He was very handsome. His hair was brown with blonde highlights and was a mullet, but what was shocking the most was how thin he was.

"OH MY GOODNESS HONGJOONGGGG!" wooyoung once again screeched on the top of his lungs. Wooyoung ran up to hongjoong and picked him up and spined both of them around.

Hongjoong was just laughing while hugging him back. He was hoping they wouldn't fall. San was very surprised to see hongjoong's new look and kinda jealous that wooyoung is giving him attention, but you don't hear him saying that.

After wooyoung put hongjoong down, San went up to him and gave him a hug too. He missed him very much.

"You look so different, I'm happy for you" San told him and smiled.

"Thank you, I tried my best to make myself happy, this was the way" hongjoong was very happy and excited but he did have one question in his head that he wanted to ask.

"Is Seonghwa still here?" Hongjoong asked curiously.

"Yep, that asshole still thinks he's the best '' San rolled his eyes when he said that. "But enough about the prick, how have you been? We've both missed you so much. it's been like forever." wooyoung hugged hongjoong again and they both started to walk inside the school. While San had to leave for his first class early to study for a quiz.

"I've been good. I was working on me and me only." wooyoung hummed. "I feel so much better about myself" hongjoong smiled.

"That's good, I'm glad you are happy. Did I mention that I missed you so much. I had to hang out with San for a whole year. He keeps playing around with me. I'm suffering man" hongjoong was just listening to his wonderful best friend that he missed so much.

They made it to the office and hongjoong just stared at the door, thinking back to when he first met Seonghwa.

"Come on joongie, you need your schedule. I hope we have the same classes". Wooyoung jumped and grabbed hongjoongs arm and they made their way into the office.

Wooyoung and him ended up with half the same schedule.

Well it was kind of disappointing but at least they had the first period together.

As Wooyoung and him walked to their first class of the year they could see all the kids running down the hall. They got curious as to why the kids were going over there.

"Hongjoong should we run over there too?" wooyoung was just as Curious and confused while pointing at the end of the hall.

"Eh, why the hell not?" he smiled.

They ran over to the scene and for the first time running in public he didn't feel out of place. It was a nice feeling.

There was a very big group of people surrounding what seemed to be a fight. As a short person it was kinda hard to see over the Giants. Like seriously why are they so damn tall? Freaking dinosaurs. He rolled his eyes.

As Hongjoong and Wooyoung squeezed themselves into the crowd of people they could see one boy on top of the other. The kid on the bottom was all bloody and the one on top kept punching him repeatedly. It was horrifying to say the least. He couldn't really see their faces though, just so much blood.

The people were cheering the boy on and encouraging him to keep it up.

Hongjoong looked at wooyoung next to him and he seemed nervous. There was definitely something wrong.

"Hongjoong I think we should get to class, like right now" wooyoung pulled on his sleeve and brought him the way they came from.

"But wooyoung, shouldn't we tell the teacher, or at least try to help him" Hongjoong asked wooyoung because it looks as though he didn't care about the kid.

"Don't worry about it, he'll be fine okay" wooyoung gave him a smile and pulled his sleeve again as they took the long way to class.

Okay now what the hell has happened to this school?

Hongjoong and Wooyoung were seated next to each other.

While for some reason wooyoung was taking notes and paying attention to whatever the teacher was saying.

Hongjoong was honestly so bored. But he felt bothered about what happened earlier. It won't leave his mind and it's getting him upset.

"Ughhhhh" Hongjoong banged his head on the desk very loud, causing the class and the teacher to stop and look.

"You good?" Wooyoung whispered to Hongjoong.

"No, I'm annoyed about this morni-" he cut himself off when he realized people were looking. The brown haired male was very embarrassed. Like really embarrassed.

"Sorry" Hongjoong said with a smile "continue" he made little hand movements to tell the teacher to continue.

Retribution~SeongJoongWhere stories live. Discover now