33. 🔥Illy's heart

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October 24, 2040
1:45 PM

"Didn't I tell you to stay put, little one?"

Dominik was in the middle of washing his hands in the spacious bathroom of La Lueur Grande, a luxury hotel located in the heart of downtown where he had reserved lunch, when he seemed to have gotten a whiff of lavender.

He turned to see Illyana looking up at him with a downright devious expression on her face and before he could react, she was grabbing him by the tie, pulling him down to her height.

Lunch was going great at first.

They'd actually been having amazing food and a deep conversation that was making Illyana fall even deeper in love with Dominik's brilliance, but then he had to start teasing her again.

He didn't have to do much either.

She could always recognize the drop in his tone and the way his gray eyes would darken as he looked like he could devour her on the spot.

He would bite his lower lip, and he would start making little innuendos to rile her up. And then he had the audacity to leave her panting and needy in the middle of the restaurant just before dessert.

Illy wouldn't stand for it.

Dominik didn't even have time to question her intentions as she was already kissing him and he had to brace himself against the sink, leaning into the kiss before he pulled back with a groan.

"Illy," He whispered when they broke apart and she took hold of him by his collar, pulling him in again, "You can't be in here."

When she placed an index over his lips, Dominik looked down at her with brows raised in surprised confusion.

"Then don't make me wait," The small woman said before she was tugging at his belt and Dominik took her hands then, his expression making it clear that he was digesting just what was happening at the moment.

"Are you trying to make the rules now?" He asked, wetting his lips.

It required every ounce of restraint for Illy to stay calm, the look he was giving her causing her brain to go haywire for a moment and she mirrored him, passing her tongue over her own lips, "I am. And you better start following them."

Dominik's eyes searched hers for a moment, dancing with amusement before he took hold of her hips, a deep laugh rumbling his chest when he pressed her up against the sink.

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