Chapter 27 - I Love Having Fancy Dinners That I Don't Have To Pay For

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I rubbed my eyes after stretching and yawning. Andrew chuckled as he looks at me, and he even shook his head a little. "You need to get some sleep. You must've known that getting ice cream in the middle of the night would end badly." He said.

I waved my hand dismissively. "Maybe later." I replied. I didn't sleep until four in the morning, and Andrew had decided that he would leave at eight in the morning so he could relax for a full day in the city. Here I was, then, being a good friend. I got up to have breakfast with him and see him off.

He put his bag on the ground and wrapped his arms around me. "Try to keep sane." He told me in my ear, and I laughed. "Bye, J."

I helped load his bags in the cab before wrapping my arms around him again. "I'll try, and it's only two more months." I reminded him. Two more months, and I felt that there has been no evidence of successful wedding ruining.

"Leaving already, Andrew?" Alani's voice made me turn around to see the glowing dark-haired beauty. She, Lauren, and Christian made their way towards us. "Were you planning on escaping without saying goodbye?" She held open her arms, and Andrew chuckled before agreeing to the hug.

He moved on to give the couple their hugs. Christian got his supposedly manly hug, and Lauren had to make a comment. "Say hi to your girly-friend." She smiled at my best friend. "I'm sure she's just bursting to see you."

"Go on. Be free." I told him once more, and Andrew kissed my cheek before ducking into the cab. We waved until his cab disappeared, and I muttered. "What I'd give to be him."

Alani nudged me in my side. "Stop." She giggled. We all began to walk back into the hotel. "You've grown to like some of us somewhat." Alani smiled, and she wasn't lying. Maybe I was less miserable. Lauren and Christian walked a little ahead of us, and Alani and I were dragging our feet as we followed. "Aiden apologized to me. He told me that you talked him into getting into a fight with Kendra."

"When you say it like that it sounds like I always had only evil intentions." I commented on her statement, but I kept the light-hearted atmosphere. I wasn't really trying to start something between Aiden and Kendra, but that was just a bonus to helping out my friend.

Alani rolled her eyes as we waited for an elevator. "Thank you, Jordyn. Thank you for having my back." She told me sincerely. Alani had that smile that you couldn't say no to, but it was also the kind of smile that made you feel bad if you ever made it disappear. I wanted people like Alani to be happy because they spread nothing but their contagious happiness.

As the elevator doors closed, Lauren turned to all of us. Her serious face meant game time. "So we have two months, guys. We need to step up our game."  She said, and she was like a football coach pacing in front of his players. "We've been pretty mild as we let all the drama settle, but it's time to ramp it back up. I know Jordyn has been hitting on Aiden pretty hard."

"I'm not." I objected. "I'm just being friendly."

"Yeah, but being you and being friendly reminded him of how he thought about you in high school. Your nostalgic talk last night really took a hit on him today." Alani informed me. Well, once again my motives didn't exactly match what they thought my motives were, but it worked out for the better.

Christian nodded in agreement with Alani. "He came back at three in the morning smiling, and he woke up today smiling. Whatever you said to him has put that embarrassing lovey-dovey smile on his face. Good job, Jordyn." He told me.

It was weird to know that I had any effect on Aiden without really trying to, but it was nice that we could naturally get along despite our earlier blunders. When we were being ourselves without anyone else, we could talk amiably for a couple of hours in a 24/7 ice cream parlor.

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