Chapter 5 - Birthday Assumptions and Hidden Jealousy

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I was dancing in my room to Taylor Swift. I was laughing while I did it, I was a horrible dancer when I didn't try and was just moving around the room. At least, that's the way I think.

I probably wouldn't have noticed him, but he was waving his arms in big motions and yelling my name. I eventually heard him. I started laughing even more and covering my face, he saw everything. No one has ever seen me dancing when I was just trying to past time. 

I turned my music down and slid the door open. I leaned over the balcony as he was just laughing at me. "Were you spying on me, Aiden?" I asked astonished.

He just laughed, little crinkles near his eyes. How cute. "Well, you didn't notice that I was trying to get your attention." He crossed his arms.

"There's a reason why the rooms have phones, you know?" I pointed out.

"Those things are complicated." He defended.

I rolled my eyes. "So why do you need my attention so badly it couldn't wait until tonight's dinner?" 

"Some guy is waiting for you in the lobby." He said.

I suddenly perked up. "Oh, he must have brought the stuff." I said. "Thanks Aiden." I called as I rushed out of the room. I tapped my foot as I waited for the elevator that takes a century to move. I saw the familiar dark hair and muscle shirt talking to the male receptionist. "Kev." I said, getting his attention.

"J!" He said enveloping me in a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Thank God, you're here. I'm surround by people that are aliens to me. It's like a high school reunion. It's my worst nightmare." I complained into his ear. He laughed and released me. "Except for one guy named Christian, the best man, who is the groom's BFF. Never met him before this." I rambled.

"Christian, huh?"

"Girlfriend who I've also just met, very straight." I shook my head at him.

"And how's good old Cruella?"

"The same peppy, pain in the ass she was in high school." I said taking his hands. "Come on up, I need help getting into the dress anyways."

Kevin could sew. I mean, he was good and made dresses for me. He did some time with some wonderful girls in a building nearby, but I was special and he made some specialty dresses for me. Each of the dresses was one of a kind.

"As long as we don't run into the witch, I'm okay."

You could say that Kevin and Kendra didn't getting along. They didn't. Kendra scrunched her nose and referred to Kevin as unholy. Kevin just thought that Kendra was a bitch. I agreed with Kevin 200%. I think their little insults of each other are hilarious since neither one has met the each other in person.

"Fancy duds Kendra booked. She actually did something nice. Who is the guy that can stare into your room while you change?" He asked, looking around my room.

I groaned. "I know, poor building plans of this damn hotel." I tied my hair up in a bun. "Her fiancé and the best man are across the way. It's a painful reminder that she's married and I'm still single. 

"Subtle." He said. He was looking out the window.

 I stepped towards Kevin and put a hand on his shoulder. He was having a staring contest with Aiden. "That's Aiden, Kev. He's the groom." I laughed.

I started taking off my shirt. "Well then, Cruella better be nice to him." He said, laughing and closing the curtain. 

"I know, he's cute." I scrunched my nose and nodded. 

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