Chapter 42 - Parker Wants To Know

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I fidgeted with my hair once again for the third time just in the last minute. That was a bad sign. I shifted in my seat again for the fifth time. "Are you okay?" Parker asked me. He thanked the waiter that put down our meals in front of us. He had ordered a steak, and I had ordered chicken. I looked at the perfectly good delicious roasted chicken, and I still couldn't bring myself to really eat.

Not only was guilt filling my stomach. Tension had been crammed into there, too, after seeing Aiden's face when he left my room earlier.

"More or less." I answered him before picking up my fork.

Parker looked at me, studying my face. "It sounds like less." He pointed out my lame tone. "Do you mind telling me what you are thinking about?" He asked as he started to cut into his steak.

I sigh as I cut the first piece of chicken off and place it into my mouth. It was basically stalling while I thought of an answer. Though, the chicken itself was splendid with seasoning and whatnot. "Well, I'm thinking about whether or not Alani and Harry get along exceptionally well for only friends." I told him. I had thought about that in a passing thought a while ago, but that wasn't what I was really thinking about at this movie.

Parker nodded as he chewed. When he swallowed, he replied to me. "They do." He smirked. I thought I had successfully changed the subject, but I should have stopped assuming things a long time ago. "But, that's not what you were thinking about." He raised an eyebrow at me.

He saw through my lie. "Observant." I complimented him while I stuffed another piece of chicken in my mouth.

"Now, I'm more curious what you were thinking about."

I sipped my drink and pursed my lips at him. "I'm thinking that you don't really want to know what I'm thinking about." I told him.

"Try me."

"It's a long story."

"I don't care."

"There are a lot of things that you don't want to hear."

"Stop stalling."

I huffed. I leaned on the table. It was nice. White cloth. Two glasses of wine with the bottle left behind. The lighting in the restaurant was low. Candlelight. Close enough to be romantic. "I'm serious, Parker. You really don't want to know. It involves so many things and hurting your feelings."

"So I'm involved in it?" He says as he picks up his glass of wine.

"Yes." I gave him that much.

"Well you can start there." Parker folded. I tilted my head and pressed my lips together into a hard line. Parker sighed and leaned over the table to touch my hand. "It seems to really be bothering you." He explained. "I'm a grown man, so you can tell me even if I'm gonna end up hating you for it. You look like you need to get it out."

I hated it. He was so nice. Then, there was Alani making me feel guilty in my head. When I looked at Parker, I knew that I didn't reciprocate any of those feelings that he probably wanted me to. "Are you sure you want to hear it?"

Parker shifted in his chair. "Jordyn, a girl only tells you a few things that you really don't wanna hear. Judging by the way you're being so on guard about this, then it has to be part of those few things. Teen pregnancy or break up. Since I don't think you're a teenage girl that's pregnant..." Parker said to me with a sad smile.

"Yeah..." I replied with an apologetic tone. Way to sound like a bitch, Jordyn.

"Then, it's all right. At least you gave me this date." He told me with a shrug. From his look, I thought that I didn't break his heart or anything. Maybe, at most, I had bruised his ego. Then, he chuckled. "Alani had told me to be careful after I had asked you out."

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