Chapter 22 - No, No. That Is Not How Dirty Dancing Went

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I kneeled next to Andrew’s face while slipping on my charmed necklace. He looked so peaceful as he slept. Too bad. “Andrew!” I yelled in his ear and began to laugh as he practically jumped to the roof.

When he saw me, his eyes narrowed. “I didn’t ask for a wake up call.” He said before burying his bed head into the pillow.

“Yes, but you said that you would come to the dance lesson with me. Don’t break promises, Andrew.” I reminded him. I shifted to sit on the floor because this might take some coaxing.

Andrew groaned into the pillow. “I never said I would go. My words would be making a stop. It was not a promise that I’d go and learn how to dance the waltz, which I already know.” He muttered into his pillow. Some of the words got lost in translation, but I was sure he was protesting.

“Come on, Andrew. Will you just come? If not for any other reason, will you come for me? I’ll be stuck there for hours with them. Sure, all the other guys will be there, but come on, who do you think she’ll make an effort to demean? Don’t make me go alone.” I begged him.

One of Andrew’s eyes peeked out from the white pillow he clutched. The crystal blue eyes held the forfeit I wanted. “Fine.” He sighed. “I’ll come with you. It might actually be fun.”

“No, it won’t, but thanks anyways. Now get dress so we won’t be late.” I stood up from my position on the floor while Andrew flipped onto his back and began to rub his eyes. It was the same thing he did every morning he got up. I remembered all these little things from when we were dating. It was sometimes nice to know that the good little things and reassurances don’t always have to change.

I made my way back to my bathroom while Andrew was in the process of fully waking up. I could hear the sleepiness in his low voice. “Why do you even have to go to a dance lesson? You already know how to dance.” He reasoned as the bed squeaked. He was moving, which was good considering at this rate we’ll have enough time to grab toast and eat in the car. In short, we were already a little late.

“Because I’m the bride’s maid of honor.” I said as I picked up one of my diamond studs to place in my ear. Today, I chose to actually dress better than jeans and a long sleeved shirt. Today, I wore a sundress. Classy, I thought so. It fell simply around the mid-length of my calf and had a large black belt around my waist.

Andrew’s tired shuffling made its way to my bathroom, where the sight of a yawning Andrew greeted me. “For a wedding you don’t want to even attend. You make perfect sense, as always.” Andrew chuckled as he joined me facing the vanity. He picked up his toothbrush and began to brush his teeth.

“As always.” I giggled as I fitted the studs into my ear. I continued to get ready next to Andrew. It made me awfully nostalgic. I didn’t think this was a good thing. I felt the comfort of old times where I had felt happy and content. To most people, that would not have been a problem at all, but it reminded me how my life was like. I had never been too fond for remembering the past, and I had always been keener on the future.

I will admit. Andrew and I had a pretty good life when we were dating. We dated through graduation and moved into an apartment together. We’d get ready in the morning together like this. However, that had been the only time of the day we saw definitely saw each other. Other encounters were spotty and sporadic, but we thought it was fine because we were well pass the puppy-love, honeymoon phase when a couple spends all their time together.

What was preventing me from returning to this life? Andrew wasn’t the one. At least, I didn’t think so.

Aiden looked like he was struggling, and Kendra’s annoyed face was enough to make me laugh. Alani was already laughing as she stretched on the linoleum dance floor. Her eyes fell on Andrew and me, and she hopped up from her spot to come greet us like the happy-go-lucky girl I had come to love. “He has perfect rhythm but terrible dance moves.” She looked at Aiden over her shoulder and laughs a bit. When she turned back, there was a sparkle in her eye. I became scared, and even more so when she grabbed my hand.

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