Chapter 20 - Three Cheers For The Birthday Girl

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For a few awkward seconds, Aiden and I just sat there. I looked at him, and he looked anywhere but me. So, I sighed and looked at the horizon opposite of me. The dark blue water was probably freezing, but it looked so beautiful. "I should teach you how to say sorry in exchange for those swimming lessons because you are simply shit at apologizing." I said, trying to not laugh despite my serious tone. A smile curled on my lips.

Andrew was right. I was being way to forgiving for someone who had accused me as much as Aiden, but something in me made me not that mad at him right now. Mostly, I thought that he had been brainwashed by his fiancé, and I completely understood the feeling. I had done a few things in my past that I wasn't so proud of because Kendra was just a bad influence.

So what if he stepped over the line? It hurt. It really did. It wasn't really the most important thing at the moment, though. I had other things to worry about, and a fight with Aiden wasn't about to make that list.

"First," I said teasingly, "you've got to actually look at the person you're trying to apologize to." I told him and nudged his shoulder with my own.

A small smile tugged at Aiden's lip. There we go! Progress! Aiden looked over at me, and I could see his apology in his eyes. "I'm really sorry about saying that you were in a men-"

"Okay, let's not mention it again." I told him quickly before he could insult me again. "You really are bad at apologizing." I laughed. Aiden just shook his head hopelessly. "I've never met someone so bad at apologizing."

Aiden shrugged. "I'm bad at talking in general when I'm nervous." He looked down at his hands.

I raised my eyebrows. "So I just make you nervous?" I teased. I was well over the whole fiasco. There was no point in trying to make myself mad over it when I clearly didn't want to be mad at Aiden.

In a second, I saw a sight I haven't seen in ages. Aiden started to stutter and revert to what I could remember of him from high school. "N-no... not a-at all. I-I just said..." He sputtered another attempt at apologizing.

"Wow." I nodded in encouragement while concealing another laugh. "How about you just repeat what I say, and we can go back to whatever relationship we had before all of this?" I offered him. I just wanted it to be over. I wanted my friends to be over it. I wanted Aiden to stop making his grave deeper. I wanted this drama that I was sure Kendra had something to do with to be done with.

He nodded without any word.


So, I started an apology to myself. "Jordyn."

"Jordyn." Aiden repeated the same word with the same tone in his much deeper voice.

"I'm sorry for saying all those mean things. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings so insensitively and being a huge ass and meanie. You were acting weird, Kendra was mad, and I was just confused. I don't know why all those things came out of my mouth, but I'm so truly sorry for everything." I stated the apology I wanted to hear. It wasn't everything I wanted him to confess, but it was a start. I wanted to tell him to tell me that Kendra had been manipulating his brain and killing brain cells, so he couldn't think clearly. However, I didn't think it was time to tell him that his wife-to-be was a major raging bitch.

Aiden repeated the words almost perfectly with a small smile pulling at his mouth after hearing the words. "I really don't know what came over me, Jordyn." Whoa, why was he improving? Didn't everyone know that him going off script was the worst thing in history? "All those things I said were horrible. I heard them said when Kendra was talking to her mother, and I guess she was just mad, too. It's crazy, and it's not a good excuse. All I can do is to say I'm sorry." Well, you could break up with the girl, but I don't think you would at this point.

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