Chapter 35 - It's Never Too Late To Do The Right Thing

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The bartender placed two beer bottles and a Roy Rogers in front of the three of us. He gave us a judging look, but I could care less about what this bartender thought. The bar that we had settled in was more or less empty since it was the middle of the day, and we were the only three young people that looked bad day drinking.

After sipping my bottle, I turned to my right, where Ginger Price sat, and her brother was on her other side. "Explain." I told her with no room for stalling or distraction.

She hesitated when she saw my straight face. This was no laughing manner. If she had done what I thought she had done, then she caused hell to break loose. I didn't appreciate being part of the cleanup crew. Ginger glanced at her brother to see if he would back her up against me, but Seth just nodded towards me, meaning he was agreeing with me for this. "I'm sorry?" Ginger told me weakly.

Seth groaned and took a bigger swig of his beer. He sat back in his chair, clearly tired of his sister dodging the topic. What a pair of sisters this guy ended up with.

I didn't mess around, though. People I cared about were clearly devastated about this and were worried over what she had done. I wasn't going to let this go easily. "Ginger, did you or did you not take a picture of Kendra leaving the hotel with her date and send it to Aiden?" I asked her, and there was no way for her to dance around it.

"Oh, she did." Seth said as he sipped his beer and twisted on the bar stool a little. He had given up.

I raised an eyebrow but continued looking at Ginger. "Ginger?" I asked her once again. I stared at her, and she looked like a sad kitten with her grayish blue eyes. I wasn't going to break, though, because I wanted the truth. I wanted to hear her admit it and earnestly apologize. This sad little kitten needed to face the consequences of blowing up people's lives, even if it was Kendra's.

We stared down each other for a few long moments. I felt like a child having this staring contest, but if it needed to be done... Ginger folded, and she twisted her chair back towards the bar. She rested both of her forearms on the edge of the counter, and her thumb rubbed against the cool drops of water along her cold glass. "She was getting away with it again." Ginger admitted quietly. "I hated it because she always gets away with everything, and I never do."

"So you decided to text her fiancé a picture of her that basically devastated his emotional persona, possibly causing trust issues and definitely caused some kind of break down, because of a sister rivalry?" I asked her because what I was processing sounded like a petty reason to do what she did. I didn't tolerate such shit. The anger added an edge to my voice.

Seth raised an eyebrow, but he remained quiet as he drank his alcohol. "No." Ginger snapped quickly to reply. "Kendra just deserved it. She thinks that she could get away with everything. It's not right that she does." Ginger told me, her anger rising as she spoke about her sister. "She's been running me and everybody else over throughout her whole life, making us do what she wants. Partly, it's because she's horrible. Partly, we allow her to do it, and once I realized that, it was time to stop allowing her to because I was sick of it. I was sick of being another person she used and snapped at and tormented like a toy." Ginger was frustrated. It was plain to see that Kendra had stretched her thin. Her eyes remained locked on the ice of her drink as if she was talking to it instead of me.

Ginger had played dutiful sister to Kendra for as long as I could remember. She was the only one that seemed to be indifferent, or even okay, with Kendra and how Kendra acted. Even when I saw her again, here in preparation for the wedding, she seemed ready to follow her sister, holding Kendra's trail like Kendra was a princess or something. I always wondered what gifted Ginger the patience for handling Kendra without any questions asked. After twenty years, Ginger's patience was about to break. It was heartbreaking for me to see.

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