Chapter 36 - Can't Stay. Can't Say.

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I kind of just wanted to get this out, so warning: unedited and maybe a little short.


The second Aiden had the door wide enough, Kendra attacked him and wrapped her tan and smooth-looking arms around him whilst sobbing her blue eyes out. "I'm so, so, so sorry." She cried into his shoulder. "Please forgive me. I missed you so much."

Maybe if I didn't know that she was an expert crier to get what she wanted, I would feel more empathy, or at least some semblance of sympathy, for her. Since I did know that Kendra once overdramatically cried, quite similar to how she was crying now actually, to her father about getting her shoes for a party, I was biting back sardonic comments. I would have applauded her acting efforts. She only wore those shoes once before giving them to her cousin.

That didn't stop anyone else from making comments. Ginger and Alani had paused their conversation about Reina when Kendra had cried so loudly that the neighbors could probably hear her. Ginger groaned. "Oh please." She rolled her grey-ish blue eyes and shifted from her spot, grabbing her brother's arm and dragging him. "I think we should leave." Ginger said a degree lighter than a snapping tone. Seth followed her dutifully after she glared at Kendra, who couldn't give one shit about her sister hating her.

Alani touched my shoulder, and she looked at me with her lips pressed together. I nodded and stood from my seat. "I think we should let you have your privacy." I said to Aiden, who was holding Kendra awkwardly at best, and gathered my stuff. He just looked shocked and wordless at the blonde in his arms. "It's been a long day anyways." I noted, but I didn't think anyone was particularly listening to me.

That was the understatement of the year.

It was supposed to be a relaxing day, too.

Alani offered a quiet "bye", and we both exited Aiden's room, closing the door behind us. Alani raised her eyebrows. "Can I hang in your room? My room is creepily quiet without Lauren." She asked me.

I shrugged. I had not problem with it. I had no problem with it until Alani started talking. She stood at my window with her delicate tan fingers holding the white curtain up. She was trying to peer into Aiden's room to see if she could see the nature of Aiden and Kendra's conversation. Alas, she sighed, giving up, because Aiden had his curtain closed as well. When Alani turned to me, she looked at me in disbelief. "You're packing?" She asked me.

I nodded as I dropped some folded clothes into the open suitcase. "Any sane person would be ready to end this wedding the second they find out their significant other is cheating. I'm pretty sure Aiden is somewhat sane." I explained to her as she took a seat next to suitcase on the couch. I organized the clothes before straightening and looking at Alani with my hands on my hips. "You and I both know that as soon as that conversation is done with, this wedding business is over. I'm finally free to leave in the morning. That is after I go see Shawna." I had to remember to call her first, of course.

Alani hugged her knees as she looked up at me with her warm brown eyes. "Just like that? You'll disappear into thin air and I have to wait until another wedding to see you again?" She might as well be using her puppy dog look while she stared at me. Now, I felt as if I had kicked a puppy.

I opened my mouth to reply to her, but my phone started ringing. When I saw the caller ID, I smiled. "Hold on to that thought." I told Alani as I accepted the call. I smiled into the receiver. "I was just about to call you." I told the person on the other end.

"I hope it was to tell me that Kendra's wedding had totally been de-railed." Shawna sounded itching for gossip. I think it was always fitting for her to live in this town. She thrived just like our mother, but obviously, she was much kinder than our mother. "How had you not contacted me the second this was going on? I thought we were sisters. I had to find out from Ginger!"

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