The City and Its Romantics - Alani

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Hey everybody!

So this is something that I've been planning on for a while. I didn't actually sit down and do it until this past month. I've been working on it on and off, but this was an idea I really liked. However, it's a very condensed version of what happened to Alani, so the warning here is that at there is a massive amount of time skips. You'll see what I mean.

I hope that you guys like this little extra bit!


I was overreacting. I knew that much. I was crazy for running out of there. It was too late, though, I already snuck into the building. Oh, I was going to feel so damn bad about this in the morning when my emotions sobered up. Right now, my emotions were everywhere, and that meant that it wouldn't be good news for anyone. Oh, I already felt so damn bad.

I raised my gloved knuckles to the door, and I pounded at the door. It was loud because I knew how spacious her apartment was on the inside. I needed to make sure that she heard me because I needed to talk to someone.

She looked so tired when she opened the door. Jordyn's hair was disheveled, and she could barely open her eyes as she squinted at me. "Alani?" She asked me sleepily. She tilted her head at me, totally perplexed by my random appearance. I didn't blame her. It was four in the morning.

"Hi." I said awkwardly and shoved her the coffee that I had bought off a cart on my way here. It was the only peace offering that was just outside this building. It was the least that I could do considering I was barging into her apartment. She, thankfully, accepted the coffee before it spilled on Aiden's blue pajama shirt. "I'm super sorry about this. I feel absolutely horrible. I didn't know where else to go. You're the only other person that I know in the city besides Harry. Parker is in California until Sunday, so here I am. Did I wake you? It seems like I did. I feel absolutely horrible. I didn't call. I didn't even text you that I was coming. I just panicked, and you were the person that popped into my head. I totally understand if you're angry with me. It is really, really early in the morning, but I'm hoping you won't kick me out." I said as I dropped my bag next to her kitchen island and started pacing around her kitchen like a maniac.

Jordyn just eased herself down into one of the high chairs sitting at the opposite side of the island. She quietly and slowly sipped the coffee that I gave her. She let me go on and on before she said something. "You either already downed a full cup of coffee black or you are really running off the rails, Alani." She commented before taking another sip. "But it seems to me that you are asking me if you could stay here until whatever is going on is smoothed over. I'd say sure if you're okay with the couch. I don't really house guests here." She offered with her tired smile.

"It's fine." I exhaled in relief. "The couch is perfect." I told her. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Jordyn rolled her tired brown eyes at me as she stood up from the black plastic high chair. "Just no more bursting in at four a.m., okay? I'm going back to sleep." She waved me off as she trudged back to her bedroom. Jordyn had told me that her apartment was a studio apartment before she moved in. It explained why there was no room for guests here. If the place were empty, it would be extremely spacious with rich brown wood and I-beams holding up the gray ceiling only. It seemed to me that Jordyn did a great bit of renovating. The wall that separated Jordyn's bedroom from the rest of the apartment was two paneled walls of fogged glass and a curtain.

I sat down on the couch, but I kept looking around, trying to keep my mind preoccupied. I didn't want to think of what I saw. I sank into the Jordyn's comfy, dark leather couch. There was a throw over blanket that kept me from sliding. I ran my hands over my jeans over and over again, trying to shake my thoughts. It was too much. There was no doubt now. I was totally overreacting. Aiden and Jordyn would tell me as much when they woke up again. Obviously, I would have to explain my actions. I trusted them, though. I trusted them to tell me that I was absolutely crazy and overreacting.

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